Thursday, March 19, 2020

We were here just over 3 months ago ; it feels like a lifetime now.

Surreal ; now just 3 months on. 

In December 2019, my wife and I together with our younger son, had roughly 15 days traversing Spain and Portugal first by plane to Madrid, then we took the train to Seville, then plane (TAP) to Lisbon, and then by Uber to Cascais before flying back by plane to Madrid and finally back to Singapore. That year end trip now seems like a lifetime ago, as since those wonderful year end holidays the happy and joyous moods have been replaced by the sombre reality of a global pandemic which as of today 19th March 2020, there are a reported 225,000 over cases and over 4,500 deaths. 

Since January 23, 2020, when the first imported cases of Coronavirus or COVID 19 came into Singapore from Wuhan, there is today a total of almost 350 cases in Singapore.The most encouraging aspect of this numbers is that there are about 145 who have been discharged and are well again, with 190 still under observation and in hospital and 14 in Intensive Care or ICU. To date, there have been no fatalities. 

Everything and any news reports which come out today is always about the number of cases, and which sporting events have been cancelled globally. So far the Japan 2020 Olympic Games are still being planned to go ahead in July.

Beautiful Rugged Scenery
Hell's Mouth in Caiscais, Portugal 

Many countries have gone into total lockdown, Italy in particular and numerous countries have also ceased all international flights in and our of their airports. Each day brings new developments it boggles and overwhelms the mind. I worry for the mental stability and assuredness of their livelihoods of many millions of people all over the world. 

Testament to Singapore's excellent response to this outbreak which has since gone global and WHO (World Health Organization) has called this a global pandemic, Singapore has remained stoic in its front line defence through strict screening, proactive announcements by ministers in charge (notably Lawrence Wong, Chan Chun Sing and Gan Kim Yong), and the fine strategy of early detection, rigorous contact tracing, rigid quarantine, and the support of world class medical care and action from the NCID as well as the 7 hospitals and hundreds of PHPC clinics around the island. From the entry points such as airports, seaports, causeway and second link there are thermal screenings and now there are swab tests for all arrivals. Testing for COVID 19 is mandatory I believe for all incoming air travellers. 

The rest of the world is reeling from the outbreak and  there are so many sad stories it is heartbreaking. The numerous case reports and news items from Europe, especially Italy, Iran, Germany and Spain casts a pall over the first 3 months of this year. 

Singapore has seen its social, medical and economic pillars of its total defence tested, its citizenry rattled and people under duress.

However, at the end of the day, I am happy to live and be a Singaporean. We will rise up to this massive challenge and work collectively to overcome this greatest of medical emergencies, I believe which will be the toughest in our lifetime.

Cabo de Roca Dec 2019 

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