Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hokkaido Japan Dec 2 - 14 2012 ; Rusutsu Resort ; Powder Snow.

Throwback 9 years ago at Hokkaido, Rusutsu Resort. The powder snow was really cold and we had just finished dinner.The elder boy Noel was 17 and the younger son Andrew was 14.

We had 5 nights of stay at the Resort, then followed by another 2 - 3 nights at Noburibetsu, an historic town famous for its hot spa and hot sulphur springs. It was a great time for bonding, and our skiing competancy was Intermdiate.

I pledge to go back to skiing for one last hurrah before I get to old or my knees get too weak to take the twists and turns of the pistes.    

Once Time has elapsed you can never get it back. So all we have are these faded memories and videos like these of the past.


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