Monday, May 18, 2020

Work from Home Staying Connected

With Primary School Classmates on WhatsApp last week

Work, that ubiquitous 4 letter word, is one of the primary reasons for Raison D'ete. Or the Purpose of Life for perhaps 2 - 3 billions of people the world over. So when the COVID -19 took over the stage and Governments around the world made their respective countries go into lockdown where people old, young, rich,poor had to stay at home for durations of 2 weeks to 3 months, it caused alot of major upheavals in all of our daily lives.

Singapore has been in Code Orange with Circuit Breaker restrictions and 80% of the population who were in work, had to work from home.In addition, schools were shut, the National Service conscripts were asked to stay at home, places of worship had their services moved online, and all dining, drink, hawkers, retail, entertainment, clubs, all were shut with effect from 7 April 2020. Now we are in the 6th week of lockdown and if everything goes according to plan, we should see some easing of restrictions early June 2020.

Last Tuesday week, we had a 'meeting' amongst old schoolmates and I had a great time connecting with 3 other 'boys' from Primary and Secondary school. 

Sunil, Kent, Marc and I spent the better part of 2 hours and 2 beers each reminiscing about the 'good old days' and promised each other to get together once this 'thing' is over to meet in person and have a memorable 'do' once this once in a lifetime plague is under control.

We live in positive hope and expectations for a better healthier tomorrow.     

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