Saturday, February 13, 2021

Niccolo Macchiaveli - The Prince

 The Prince, a book which has been read and re-read by numerous leaders and people in power to reinforce the belief that there are people who want to believe in the total fabrications - all in the name of faith. I am not religion bashing here, but the main takeaway from Macchivelli's book written some 500 odd years ago by this statesman wannabe, Niccolo M, to the Medici family in the hope of finding favor with them. A 'gift' as he put it, but in the end, he was cast aside, left to slowly fade into insignificance.

The key takeaway is this below :

1.For there is a distance between how one lives and how one ought to live. Anyone who abandons what is done for what ought to be done achieves his downfall rather than his preservation.

2.It is thus necessary for a prince who wishes to maintain himself to learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge or not to use it according to necessity.

3.Chapter 17 : Of cruelty and mercy, and whether it is better to be loved than to be feared or the contrary. 

Man are so simple minded and so controlled by their immediate needs that he who deceives will find someone who will let himself be deceived.

Something to think about on this 2nd Day of the Lunar New Year.

Happy 'Niu' Year Everyone ! 

Singapore Swimming Club circa 1974,

From left : John, Yours Truly, cousins Angela and Wendy

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