Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thoughts at 35 km Nassim Road - A Repost of my 2008 May 8 Post - A Reflection with Edits

A funny thing happened to me at the 35 km mark of my 36 km run several Sundays ago.Yes,this happened and I thought there would be some people "out there" who have similar experiences and can share your views with me.

I am out running at 5.15am at Nassim Road,alternating with Dalvey Road,White House Lane and Dalvey Estate Road,readying for my upcoming marathon (end 2008). I have been training for the past 6 months with my route all mapped out,as this was the last "serious" training before the upcoming marathon. My planned route was to take me for 3 circuits of Dalvey-Dalvey Estate- White House Lane (5km long each)and 5 circuits of Nassim (4 km long each) through the picturescue part of  Singapore. I love the wide dual carriageway roads and the huge trees plus massive bungalows and the High Commissions of Russia,Japan,Philippines  with their wide frontage beside Nassim Road. I can't find anything similar to this in Singapore with the exception of perhaps Namly area in Upper Bukit Timah.

I am armed with my Gatorade bottles (hidden at strategic sports every 5km or so),Power Gels,and had my Running Belt on to simulate the Real Run ie. the weight of the water which I was going to carry with me during my marathon at the end of the year.

Things were going smoothly,and I managed the first 18km in about  2 hours or 9km per hour. Definitely not my marathon pace what with no cheerleaders,other runners and supporters to give me that extra 'push'. Nonetheless,I was in a state of "no-mindedness" (from Bruce Lee's  Jeet Koon Do) and sleep-running is well and good,because you shut out all pain and boredom.I was using my "hot-stretching "technique which is stretching every 5 km or so to prevent cramps or so I thought.

"Hot stretching" - after exercising mid way, I stop to do some leg stretches as the tendons are already warmed up and more pliant and stretchable.

At the 23 km mark,I felt a tightening in my left thigh,"Oh,Oh!"my left leg was not lifting much and I could feel the effort.Not good,but I carried on. "Its way too early to cramp out", and reminded myself to drink those Gatorades the night before to stock up on the sodium. 

At the 28km mark, I popped in my 2nd Power Gel (first was at the 18 km mark) and was just trying to keep going.I had the 4 hr 30 minute timing in sight.The leg did not feel too good but I kept pushing myself 'Come on man, Just 2 more Rounds" and kept going.

Its always good to have a goal, a target as far as distance or preferred timing when you start your marathon adventure.

Its about 8.15am, on a bright Sunday morning,here I am the crazy guy who's been up 3 hours ago punishing himself,sweat himself buckets, dried out and sweated again and its going to be lovely day. My leg was stiff and hurting every few strides as I hobble past the big  houses with the maids washing their Boss's cars, or walking the dog and some other like-minded mad people like me, just putting it together and running in the early Sunday morning  (2008 !) 

At the 32km mark,I was hit like a bolt from the sky  :  "Why ??",

the "Why ??" imponderable question every runner asks. Another common phrase is called "Hitting the Wall" where you are questioning everything everything from your sanity,your place in the World, your faith,your very existence.

" I doing this stupid thing and punishing myself ?"

"The real thing is only 1 week away,why torture yourself,

" Your'e a a dumb ass to be doing this ! You could be waking up slowly and having a lovely bacon sandwich by the patio."   (I've since given up eating bacon) 

(C'mon admit it, we have all been there before !!)

Anyway, I couldn't answer the "Why" question,neither could I figure out the Meaning of Life so I decided to rant and rave  at every father,mother,son who had done me wrong (rightly or not)  in the last 5 years of my life.So there I was cursing and swearing at 8.15 am on a lovely Sunday morning at :

> The gutless ex-Sales Manager who refused to join me  Yap, you know who you are.  He opted for the easy way out when I left my previous company and started QRA all alone.

> It turned out to be a blessing in disguise  A pivotal decision actually. 

> My ex-partner who basically was a pain in the ass (well Don, here we are in 2021) 

> My ex-running partner who often overslept and made me run all alone at times. He is now a successful musician/actor/ IT specialist Brisbane Australia.Good for you Suresh !

It was really funny when you look at it.

A cleansing  of the mind and spirit of sorts !

So, at 35km mark, I am smiling and trying to make my mind  wander and dull out the pain, fatigue, sweaty discomfort and there is this bunch of runners, in the opposite direction, happily running and waving to me.

There I was, running on empty, alternating on testosterone, spewing my bile, cursing and what else. 

Finally, at the last 500 m, I can see the end, I am yelling in my head as I reach the end point.



at the finish line after 42.195 km Words cannot aptly describe my emotions 

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