Saturday, June 19, 2021

Logic Error made in Sudoku Game

My comments are written in the picture above

My favorite mental game (apart for Solitaire) is Sudoku. I can play it every day if I have the time and the mental acquity for it. .

Recently I played a game from my favourite site the Daily Telegraph (UK) which is free for all to try each day with different levels of difficulty. Thurday 17th is considered "Tough" and I went about it with my usual zest.

When I reached the square marked with the "?",  I calculated that the yellow square to my right on line "A" horizontally had the possibility of either 6 or 7. On the vertical side, line 'B' there is the possibility of either 6 or 7.

Naively I thought then since both the Green and Yellow squares were 6 and 7, then the "?" should be 8.

I put '8' in and reached an error point later.

The logic is wrong. This is because these are possibilities on 2 LINES and not 1 LINE. Therefore it doesn't necessarily mean then that the "?" is the number 8. 

Hence you could get both numbers 6 in the green and yellow squares (ie. 6 and 6) and still be correct or both numbers 7 in the green and yellow squares (ie. 7 and 7) and still get the correct answer.

This is a note to myself for future Sudoku games 

Below is the emotion attained when I win a diabolical ranked game.



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