Sunday, August 1, 2021

One Win Erases the Bitter Failures of the Past


Sunday Times 1st August 2021 Sudoku Completed 

Today's Sudoku in the Sunday Times comics section is no different from all other Sunday Times puzzles of weeks and years past. The only difference is the way I feel after attempting the puzzle today and clearing it without any delay, trip ups or brain fog. The fact of the matter was that the last 3 weeks' Sudoku I had made careless mistakes and ending up with an error which was very difficult to erase, as I normally write my answers in pen and once the pen is put to paper, the so called answer stays. Hence, it is with much satisfaction that I managed to clear it on the first try and in good time too.

It is the same in business, if you try in business, you will likely fail and lose money over 90 % of the time. Hence, you need to have thick skin, be very cognizant of your weaknesses and either pull out, close down, persist with smaller overheads, merge, or persevere with steps taken to avoid the same pitfalls made in the past.
Hopefully, you can recoup the capital you invested, else go and try something else or find gainful employment. This is so much easier said than it is done. 

COVID-19 has been and will be the death of many traditional businesses who had never envisaged that they would go bust. The food and beverage business, where many restaurants had invested hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of dollars in renovations, rentals, wages, goodwill etc etc has seen many foreclosures which were stalled by a once in a lifetime event. 

We need to stay vigilant in life, wear a mask when in confined spaces, get vaccinated, not go to crowded places or stadia for a long while yet, change our travel for business and leisure indefinately - the list goes on and on and is so confusing all the time. It can and is overwhelming for the majority of people who have suffered for a period of close to 2 years  with no end in sight.

We badly need a 'win' in our lives.

Hence, like my little victory in the hard to complete Sunday Times Sudoku today, I will savour it and enjoy the moment.

Then its back to the 'new normal'.

Carpe Diem.

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