Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Why Do I Scribe ?

 A scribe is someone with a way with words. Somebody who can document the exact minutes of meetings or events which happened on the very day or somethings which happened recently. I am curious as to why I like to pen my thoughts to 'cyberspace'. Let me give several reasons :

1. I am worried that as I grow older, my memory will fade, and I will not have as good recollecting capabilities than when I was in my 40s, 50s and soon to be 60s. Hence the documentation of events relevant to me and people close to me. One day, when I have absolutely nothing better to do, I will scroll through and read the posts past up till the present day.I hope I can appreciate that my thoughts and writings have matured throughout the age from a young middle aged man at the age of 44, and moving swiftly in time to become a fully middle aged, young old man of 59. 

While many people rue the quick passage of time in their lives, they forget that in actual fact if you take the time to really appreciate time as a dimension, in fact it passes slowly. We busy ourselves with the work in our lives and the crises that inevitably come along the way makes us so absorbed in the all encompassing moment - that may last weeks, months or years.

When we look up and see, hey ! its almost February 2022, where did January go ? Its as if the passage of time speeds up when we are involved in things which we really take an interest in. 

Sp to fully appreciate time, I think it is better to take detached look at the event happening right before our eyes. BUT that is most times impossible not to be involved.

Perhaps if we move to another space time continuum, we can actually 'exist' but in a totally different realm (space time) and the 2 realms never actually meet. 

Till today, I have had this solo blog since May 2006 or a long 16 years. 

The event which catalysed the setting up of the blog was that fateful Sunday in June 2006 when I collapsed and I thought I was gone from this Earth. I had taken good health and the smooth passage of time in a very cavalier manner. I awoke to the fact that I will have a distinct end date in this realm and decided there and then to do something to acknowledge that I am alive, a person who has responsibilities, and has a genuine willingness to be as good a person that I can be. 

2. Its self expression, some people perform dance, some do martial arts, sing, play musical instruments the list goes on. I scribe, or write stories, in my own unique way. 

3. I am also cognizant that my life has passed by in a blink of an eye without proper reflection of the events notable, and most times mundane do not warrant a second thought. Time that has passed is gone. Events that were yesterday is history.

4. I guess my blog is another form of writing my early memoirs so that I can shout out to whoever who reads this way in the future as "Hey, there was this dude called Mark A." and he did these stuffs. A bit like the heiroglyphics in the tombs in Saccara, or Memphis, or  Xian.

5. Finally, it could possibly be an 'heirloom' for future generations of mine to read how interesting (or dreadfully boring) my life was in the last 20th Century and early 21st Century.

    My 5 simple reasons for scribing.  

                                                    Tuesday 25th January 2022

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