Friday, July 29, 2022

Dog and the Bone Game ; a game from my childhood, still played in India today

This game was very popular 'back in the day' when we were kids. I am happy to see that it is still being played in many parts of Asia, like India for one. The rules of the game are simple.

Form 2 teams of (for example) 5 people each. They will stand beside each other in one line facing each other. The 'bone' will be in the dead centre, ideally inside a circular 'ring'. Each kid is given a number from 1 to 5. You can make the 'bone' out of anything, some of us just used rolled up newspaper or a circular rubber toy for babies to chew on (This is ideally disused !). 

When both sides are ready and facing each other, the referee if there is one, calls the number and each team member with that number runs as fast to the 'ring' and tries to get the 'bone' without letting the opposing team member with the same number 'tag' you.

If you are (say) No. 3, you run and then prance around the circular 'ring'. The MAIN OBJECTIVE :

Try to distract the opponent and get the bone back to your team behind the line without him / her touching you.

If you are swift and nimble enough, you and your team wins 1 point.

The end of the game is when one team accumulates 10 points.



PLAY !!! 

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