Saturday, July 30, 2022

Why Do I Love to Play Sudoku ?

This is my all time favorite pastime. The reasons I play it I will list them down. The game is very simple, there are 81 squares filled only partly with the number 1 to 9. Each row and each column can ONLY have one of that same number (that is Row 1 has only one of the number 1 and so on and so forth. The same rule applies for each Column.

No such rule applies for any diagonal lines in any Sudoku.  

The way Sudoku games are designed are as such. The simpler Sudokus fill up many numbers in the 9 x 9 matrix square, hence it is easy to deduce your way through.  As you get to the more difficult games the use of many different strategies must apply. The harder Sudokus leave you with less than 30 squares filled up while the simpler Sudokus fill up to 50 squares.

Here are the most common techniques or tricks to solve almost any sudoku. Do note that there is only 1 right answer and up to 80 wrong answers, hence you need to be very patient, have a lot of focus and some basic intelligence. I list the following below, and one day I will try to elaborate it as simply as I can for the beginner and intermediate players to help them along their games.

1.Elimination (along each row, column or even each square of 9)


3. Trebles

4.Outright counting 

5. Gwendolin's Thread (this is doing a 50 / 50, going with 1 (of 2 possible) number and leaving a trail if you end up wrong somewhere further down the game. If that happens, you backtrack and take the second number and you will normally win the game. 

6. Elimination and Deduction (very advanced players can use this).

Why do I love this game ? 

1.It stretches my deductive capabilities 

2. increases my focussing on the topic.

3. I am forced to apply logic in most games

4. I am also using my numerical skill in rapid counting and using numerate skills

in addition,  is a very healthy and rewarding pastime compared to numerous other hobbies such as 

a) drinking

b) clubbing

c) smoking

d) congregating in coffee shops or 'chasing the wind' at the Clubhouse  Pool Bars 

I am very comfortable in my own skin. 


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