Saturday, July 16, 2022

Rest - Most Important Aspect for a Fulfilling Day

Recently I have come down with a 'flu bug. I believe it is not COVID having taken to ART Nasal Swabs and both are negative. My first instinct was to 'keep calm and carry on'. However, I realised that this is the first time in over 2 years that I have had anything 'serious'. Even when I caught COVID in Nov 2021, it was very mild compared to this.

My symptoms are (to date) : 

a) slightly red eyes with eye dirt. 

b) sore throat

c) slight irritating cough (well under control).

So, I have taken refuge again and am back to my 'man cave' attic for the next couple of days.

A lot of us underestimate the need for adequate rest, and I am really guilty of this. My optimal sleep duration is 8 hours and of late, have been subsisting on 6 hours or so for weeks. My aim is to rest, let the body fully recover and stress less.

Do the things I really enjoy (not exercise at least for the next week) such as :

a) Preparing for my annual holidays with my wife.

b) Mind games (Sudoku, and Circuit Breaker)

c) Flying my drone

c) Cycling

There is enough work for 5 days out of the 7 to keep my team and I busy. The other 2 days are meant literally for rest, recuperation and reflection.

Carpe Diem  

Saturday 16th July

3.36 pm


EST : +7 HR.

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