Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Dont go Searching for Quick Bucks or Get Rich Quick Scheme.

I know (at last count) 4 friends and family who  have all all of the below : 

1. They think they are very smart (better than other people)

2. Always searching for schemes or or ideas  to quick bucks to make in as short a time as possible

3. Lazy 

4. Forever talking about how great their abilities are.

They all share similar life experiences (with the exception of 1) :

1. Divorce / death from their partner 

2. Still at Square One of their lives in terms of financial status (not a good barometer but I persist to use it). Material status and wealth can bring on the good life and some degree of satisfaction. 

3. Very (too) open to new ideas from 'friends' and never really stress these ideas before jumping in to either invest, participate and critically assess the validity and success proofing of the new innovation.

4. They are ostracised from their mainstream friends and family. Many people certainly do not share in their enthusiasm but they remain childlike in their gullibility and perhaps naivete.

The sad part, is that they think they are 'somewhere' and demand a certain entitlement. The reality of it all, is that they are 'nowhere' and their current situation is blamed normally to 'fate'.

I don't pity them as these people chose to take this path and were very self righteous and entitled about taking their shot and making it big. 

I try to stay away from such people, as their aura is toxic and can be a drag to my path towards achieving my short term and long term goals.

I would be happy to have a coffee with them, but I would not want to be in their inner circles, and neither would I want to waste too much time with their presence.

Time is of the essence, and these quick bucks schemes normally attract a certain breed of people, I call them the lazy opportunists, who may strike it good once in a while but the reality of it all, is that they would not get very far with these get rich quick schemes.

To make it really big, one needs a confluence of factors, with varying importance at each times, so it is never a static equation. While I am slogging away at my small business , I am still optimistic I can at least get a good retirement nest egg and continuing to do good to the less fortunate. 
Seize the Day Brothers and Sisters. 


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