Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Get your Colonscopy done today

                            10 Most Common Cancers in Men and Women in Singapore

As I approach a major milestone in my life, a good friend Kim Soon Fang told me to go for a colonscopy check. 

Fortunately I took his advice and today, I am happy to say I have had my 4th Colon and 2nd endoscope test done. 

Early detection saves and prolongs lives. 

I have been delaying this for a number of years and while I have had 3 before in the past (1999, 2004 and 2007) , this is a necessary check for ALL males above 50 at least once in their lives. So today was my 4th. In addition, I had an endoscopy to check on my stomach as I had some bloating (on and off) and my good doctor, Prof Goh suggested I do both, the endoscopy and the colonscopy.

In Singapore, the no. 1 cancer for men is colon cancer. Something in our lifestyle in Singapore which is a combination of stress, high paced living, not eating enough fibre, no exercise and smoking all are factors which contribute to this sad situation.

So after my long holiday in September, I booked and appointment with Singapore's preeminent oncologist and surgeon Prof. Goh Hak Soo (Gleneagles Hospital Medical Centre). The scopes were scheduled today.

I am happy to report, that while there was a polyp in my large intestine, it was benign.he had it removed on the spot. This is something which new technology endoscopy and colonscopy enables the surgeon to do. 

 However, the next scope will be in 2025 October (3 years time) and I am determined NOT to delay that screening - so this post is a reminder to myself to FIX the appointment in 3 years time.

Prof. Goh has excellent bedside manners and has a sterling career record spanning over 40 years. I am very grateful to have him as my doctor and he had also treated successfully my father over the last 30 odd years. My dad survived the cancer in his colon by almost 40 years - thanks to Dr Goh's impeccable skills as a surgeon with a procedure. A cure by any name. 

The gold standard to screen for colon cancer are these :

a) Go for regular blood and stool tests (once a year)

b) Make sure you can manage your blood sugar and blood pressure (it helps !)

c) Have a colonscopy done once you reach 50 and then on every 3 to 5 years depending on your doctor's assessment. 

To prevent or mitigate your chances of intestinal cancer do these things :

(I am no expert but from my experience and reading articles on the web are these).

a) eat a diet high in fiber

b) opt not to eat processed meats much (sausages, bacon, ham and salami)

c) Exercise and sweat as much as you can weekly

d) do not smoke

e) reduce junk food, crisps and sodas.

f) alcohol consumption in moderation 

Symptoms (it must be a combination, not just one)

Blood in stool 


Loss in appetite and weight


Stomach pain 

Again, I am no doctor, but distinguish the main symptoms and check with your doctor when in doubt. The above is by no means a comprehensive list. 

Colonscopy / Endoscopy procedure.

I had to drink 2 different laxatives, one batch on the day before the screening. The next one was on the morning of the screening. Luckily I had the anti - nausea pill given to me and I managed to down it all in one go. The last laxative was called FORTRANs and I had to drink 4 glasses of what tasted like alkaline water.  

Once at the endoscopy centre at the hospital, you just follow the program and get your blood pressure monitored, take the ART test, and then the professional nurses will sedate you and in roughly 1 and half hours you will be ready to get your result. For my case, I had both the stomach scope (endoscopy) and the large intestine (colonscopy) done.

The procedure I know is not palatable, but if it means prolonging your life or mine, I will do it, wouldn't you ?

We should all go for cancer screening first at age 50, then after every few years after that (3 to 5 years max) if we want to keep our quality of life high and for as long as possible. Imagine, at 60, and we want a quality life for another 15 years (hope its not too much to ask), then that is 5,475 or almost 5,500 days. 

The scope only requires 2 days of your life.

Colon cancer is highly preventable and treatable - so take action now. This applies especially for those above 50 who haven't had a first colonscopy done.

The good news ?

1.Colon cancer generally cells grow slowly (normally in years, not months), so after your check, you can relax and schedule the next visit 3 years (or max 5 years) after the scope. 

2. Colonscopy can immediately detect and remove polyps (non cancerous) and that will solve any issues for the next few years.

2. Critical illness Insurance (various, please go and check) now covers colonscopy as in-patient, and Medisave is also another pillar to depend upon. 

So, for the S$ 2,000 expenses, I expect that insurance will cover 50% and medisave about $700, so my out of pocket would be in the region of S$ 300 to $400.  This is if you take the private doctor / specialist route.

For member of public using the Public Health Service, you can always schedule an appointment via your polyclinic, use your CHAS (Community Health Assist Scheme) card, wait a couple of months, and for people above 55 years of age, the stool test and colonscope procedure is a very small price (perhaps at most $100 for both).  

Thanks be to God for keeping me calm during the procedure. (45 minutes + 45 minutes recovery). 

Carpe Diem !   


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