Sunday, November 27, 2022

Savour Victories Large and Small ; Find Joy in doing the small things well


Today I will list out some of the things I think I have overlooked and I need to savor and enjoy more. In addition, I need to be thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon me these 60 years running / walking / swimming / flying up this path.

1. Savour the completion of a very difficult or diabolical Sudoku (strange for many but for those who 'play' it makes so much sense.  As my brain gets old, the numerical, spatial, logic, memory, deduction or left side of the brain will lose its capability. So I am cognizant of this fact and must savor each and every challenge to it every single day. If I fall down hard, I must resolve to pick up the pieces and take on new challenges each and every single day.

I did a very difficult Sudoku this morning from the Sunday Times. 

Next up : Chess and Intermediate French. 

Timeline : 1 Year. 

2. I did 2 hard hours of cycling in the hot sun at East Coast Park yesterday. I pledge to do 5 times minimum per week of hard exercise, while my ACL recovers, at least to be able to run 10K one day without stopping.

I am glad, that for my age, I still have balance, stamina and speed

3. I am happy that every Sunday I am able to mentally calculate the sum total of the fruits bought from the Tiong Bahru market, as well as mentally tote up the bill for the dry groceries from Cold Storage supermarket at Cluny Court close up to the nearest 3 dollars. Its not perfect but I have trained my mind to memorise these numerical arithmetic calculations instead of ever relying on the calculator or handphone.

Things to improve upon :

a) Get back to running - albeit more slow, but increase the mileage 

b) Focus and concentrate on people's conversations and keep to the train of the discussion and not go off tangent. Stay on Point, rather than jump here and there like a frenzied chicken.

c) Be humble and do not self inflate my status, position and / or abilities.

d) Take criticisms from loved ones, relatives and genuine friends and understand why they said them, reflect and decide whether they indeed do have merit or not.  

e) Help the genuinely afflicted but do not fall into their state of mind. In short, stay connected by all means dive in BUT do not get myself enmeshed into their unique problems.  

f) My social connections are at their pinnacle. Now I need to improve on the "Pay It Forward" connections such as School, JC, Club and / or Charity.

g) Finally, ACCEPT that my body and mind will gradually decline. So I pledge to eat more healthily, drink in moderation, and accept that I am not as young as my mind thinks it is (forever 36 haha ).  

This is my Birthday Musings - from an Young Old Man  

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