Saturday, May 13, 2023

May 13th Sweltering Heat Wave has been hitting Singapore

Today we are experiencing a heatwave. The weather this past week has been hovering in the mid to high 30s C and every kind of exercise will require double the effort and lots of rehydration. I decided not to go cycling at 10 am - which is something of a routine for the past 3 months or so, and decided to go home early and do some household chores.

Late in the afternoon, when it was slightly cooler, I did some light exercises and some gardening. At the 3rd age, I must be mindful of the vagaries of my age and take appropriate measures that I do not overstrain my body.

The heatwave is a consequence of the world's global warming which I am fearful has reached the 1.5 C tipping point of no return and like what the climate experts have said all along. Countries which always have had relatively mild weather, will have to brace themselves for weather shocks and the ones who are not prepared, the citizens will be worse for it.

A recent run at night at West Coast Park 


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