Saturday, May 20, 2023

To Achieve Something I need to Try, Fail, Try Again, Fail, Try 3rd Time, Fail, Try 4th Time then Succeed.

The title of this post sounds more like a joke than what I have just experienced today.Recently I bought a beautiful painting from local artist Mr. Ong Hong Seng who had an exhibition through the walkway of the NUSS guild house Kent Ridge premises for the month of March till Mid May (19th to be exact).

I was very pleased with my purchase and decided to hang the artwork titled "Swimming with the Dragons " in my office premises and would take Pride of Place and I am hoping it would be a conversational starter to family, friends and business associates who happen to drop by for a visit or a cup of coffee.

So this morning, I went to the office all charged up with my purchase and bought 2 sets of 3 M super sticker (8 sets which apparently was designed to hold up to 5.4 kg of weight) and I strategically placed them as per the instructions on the sealed package which came with instructions - I am notoriously bad at following written instructions - that is one of my weak points. 

To be 'kiasu', (or afraid to lose), I also popped by opposite hardware shop on my first trip to the office to get the even higher load hanger (5.4 kg), as the painting came equipment with tied in rope which you could hang from a heavy duty hanger.

First Try - Fail 

My first attempt was to unstick the 8 sets of sticky tape behind the painting, it seemed to work - for a good 30 seconds. Then Bam ! the painting fell down to the ground.

Second Try - Fail Again 

I then tried, using the Heavy Duty Hanger. I carefully climbed up the small ladder and ensured that the Heavy Duty Hanger was at the appropriate height - the painting must be high enough to command enough PRESENCE. Again I pasted the Heavy Duty Hanger and put the rope around the Hanger. It did not even last 5 seconds and fell down again. Bam ! for the second time.

Undaunted, I went across the road to the Hardware shop. This dumb un hands-on guy. I went and bought a heavy duty hammer and 2" nails for concrete, thinking that it would do the trick.

Third Try - Fail Yet Again

Upon reaching the office, which was quite the mess now, with wrappings, ladder, sticker peels and other display items all strewn all over the place, I proceeded again to gingerly climb up the ladder and stretch myself to try to knock the 2" concrete nail (I brought 2 with me) into the touch concrete wall. The first nail, went flying after a few blows.

I still persisted, and tried the second nail. I proceeded banging or trying to hammer in the second 2" nail into the concrete. I realised soon enough that the 2" nail was 1" too long.  I would end up hammering into the evening (I started at 11.20 am today) if I pursued with my useless endeavor.

Fourth Try - Hallelujah ! 

So, down I went and I made another trip to the next hardware shop. I was embarrased enough NOT to return to the first hardware shop. I went to the corner shop and bought this time 1" nails. Not too long and not too thick -like my head.

After about 10 hard hammers Voila ! The nail stuck in the concrete !

I gingerly placed the picture and arranged it so that it wouldn't be 'sang nek' or slant to one side.

The Picture finally was UP ! and it gave my office a classy look and feel.

My satisfaction was really deep and my joy was immeasurable.

Life is like that. Business is like that.

You try, you fail. Pick yourself up, accept the brickbats, the criticisms and try again with tweaks in your approach and experience the bitter fall downs.

When it is finally there, like my picture - SAVOUR the feeling.

Is it worth the sweat, effort, risk and money ?  YES.


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