Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 - Watershed Year for me in many ways.


5 Staff in our growing business

Happy New Year Everyone ! 

I will be referring to this blog every week to see whether I am on track of my goals.

2024 is the year of the last chances. My business while stable needs a major uplift in revenue to make it to the medium leagues. While we have good ongoing revenue from test services and repair, it is the major projects which I am confident will propel us into the big boys playing field. However, a lot of work and improvement of processes especially from me and the supporting people needs to be addressed and acted upon quickly. 

I am referring to the Athletic Chamber whereby QRA International is 1 of 4 international manufacturers or system integrators worldwide to provide such specialized equipment. I am confident we will secure 2 large orders in 2024. 

    2024 Business Resolutions 

1. Achieve Revenue of US$ 2,500,000 for the calendar year. 

2. Achieve US$ 500,000 EBITDA for the company (FY year basis)

2. Test Services business revenue to hit US$ 500,000 this year  (Calendar)

3. International distribution and repair services revenue to increase to US$ 300,000

4. Athletic and Human Performance Chamber Revenue to hit : US$ 1,800,000

    2024 Personal Resolutions 

1. Run 2 marathons (1 half  and 1 full)

2. Grow the Karate Club to 50 members

3. Help someone to finish his undergraduate studies -  remote and physical guidance

4. Reconnect with 10 worthwhile friends.

5. Volunteer in 1 social enterprise.

At the Doge's Palace Venice in Dec 2023 

The key issues for me Business Wise when  :  

a) Reach or exceed the targets set

> Stay Humble and do what is necessary

b) If the result is somewhere below the set targets stated below

> Decide what action to take.

c) Miss the target by a wide margin

>  What action to take

Time is of the Essence. Anybody can write nice platitudes and goals. The main difference is that the winners Make Tough Decisions, Grit and Plough On or Shift Course.

Let me leave you with these quotes in Latin and their translations below : 

> Carpe Diem ! 

   Seize the Day 

> Illijitimi non Carborendum !

   Dont let the Bastards Grind Me Down 

> Nemo Mortallium Omnibus Horis Sapit. 

   No mortal is wise all the time.


Anonymous said...

All the best Mark. I believe you can achieve your goals. Missing all those great moments with you. We shall meet up one of these fine days 🙏🥂

Seize the Day said...

Thanks Suresh !

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