Monday, January 1, 2024

Mental Toughness - The Works in a Single Slide ; Phase 1 - Identify the 4 Cs.


This is something which I want to improve this 2024 and beyond. My mental toughness. 'No more Mr. Nice Guy' is the tagline for the song, but its not quite an accurate description of my planned persona for 2024.
Step Up, Face the Heat, and Stay Focussed all the way till I get the goal attained

C (1) - Control 

Emotional and Life Control  
Always tell myself, when shit happens, I always have options to resolve and even improve the situation.  Never never go to pieces by becoming irrational or emotional ; whats the point in that ? 

Do a Risk Reward Analysis before venturing into unchartered pathways in life. 
Is it worth it ?

Confidence in my Abilities and Interpersonal Confidence
I am a very confident person, by nature, and every setback while painful, will shake my confidence - but to a certain degree - and no more. 

Pick myself up from the floor ; do a self check as to why the event occurred and what my price to pay is. Learn never to make that same mistake again 

Do not depend on external influences, friends, family, medicines or even religion to help you.
It is the power of positive thinking that will always claw you back time and again. 

Press On. 

Committment to the Goal (s) 

Once I am committed on a goal, I jolly well put 110% of my mind, abilities and resources to attaining this and completing it. No more no less. 

My very good friend Suresh who is based in Australia, gave me the Gantt Chart flow for me to assimilate into my life, the goals and achievements I have set for myself. I think this is an excellent piece of advice. 

Set the goals at the right, the timeframe I need to set aside, the resources I will need, the effort and the improvment in terms of infrastructure, staffing, opportunity costs and all. The more detailed I am, the better Control I will get and the easier the goal is attained with clarity.

I am assessing which of the 4 I am strong or weak with and will work on the weak ones.

Goal Oriented - strong

Achievement Oriented - strong

Learning Oriented  - strong

Risk Oriented  - quite weak

I saw this lovely piece some years ago and I'd like to repeat it to myself.

If you set 0 targets, 100% you will hit it all the time. 


Is my glass half full or half empty ? Its so easy to lay in bed and wait for the sun toi reach midday and do nothing, it is a recipe for disaster. Depression, anxiety and all the ill health awaits people who just await the inevitable.

We all face setbacks every year, some more than others. If you always moan and groan and say "why me ?" what does that do in any way to make your state of mind any better ?

It doesn't. 

There are literally billions of people struggling and in worse shape than me and you. Think about it ! 

So, treat each event which made you unhappy or stressed as a challenge. 

Challenges are meant to be overcome, and not to be overwhelmed so much so that you lose focus of your life's big picture or calling. 

Once you overcome it, you learn from it and it will be an event you will smile when you recall that period.

One of the toughest mental stressing times  for me was during my National Service days in the artillary. That was in  the year 1981 and we 15 souls were selected to undergo 12 weeks of sheer hell on earth (my opinion). We were lance corporals and we went into the course to attain our 2nd stripe for full corporal status. 

I was and am proud to say I made it. We underwent the 120 mm towed mortar training which only the toughest minded (not physically strongest() ones survived.

I graduated 11th out of 15 Non Commissioned Officers with great pride and humility. 

The artillary training was crazy, stressful and we were constantly on our toes to be thinking out of the box, following terse instructions with severe consequences if we failed.

Many of my fellow trainees went to hospital for surgery, internal bleeding, and total blackout due to sheer exhaustion. I was struggling many times, but still persevered mainly through grit, and emotional support from my family. 

Those were trying times, but we made it.

Mental stress and ability to handle the stress is one determining factor of true success in life. Bite the bitter medicine. Press On. Complain less. Do the Tough Work when called upon. 

Make Painful Decisions. 

Today, many of my fellow ex-trainees are very successful in life and I am proud to be associated with them as a fellow graduate from one 

We will all die someday. Some from disease, some from unfortunate accidents, some from old age and some through mental health issues.

So what ?  Make the most of each and every year to the best of my (your) abilities. 

For in the end, what matters is that I (and you) try to leave a big imprint on the people around us and that is what truly matters. 

So I will go into 2024 with this GRIT mentality.

Time is no longer my friend. 

Success only comes to those who seek and try ever so hard again and again to attain it. 

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