Friday, January 12, 2024

Leaders Eat Last ; Traits a Leader must Have

  I have been in business for over 20 years. That is a pretty long time, and the time tested takeaways I have gleaned from the "School of Life" is this :

     Find a Purpose

a) The world owes you nothing. So never expect anything except fresh air and sunshine. The rest, you need to find out for your self what is your purpose in life.


Once you set your goals. Review them every day or at least every week. Be brutally honest about how far you are in reaching your goals and FOCUS on it every day. If you are not anywhere near it, you had better do something.

    Thick Skin

Develop a thick skin. There will be many brickbats and naysayers when you strive to achieve your goals. Do not be disheartened for you only receive the ultimate satisfaction once you achieve them not the people who dish out the criticisms.

Take a good look at criticisms and see if you really need to change course or adjust your goal expectation.

Even if everyone is against you, you know you need to press on. That is why you are the leader. Leaders make painful  correct decisions. Not populist ones.


Be humble in your achievements. This will always put you in the right path upwards.


Be courageous (not foolhardy) to push through even though everyone is bailing out. It is a test of your derring do and try not to throw good money after bad. 

Stand firm.Take charge if your life. Don't be the one when at the your wake, people come up to your dependents and mutter :  

"Oh he was a nice guy but he just never went anywhere with his life"

Carpe Diem !!! 

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