Wednesday, January 3, 2024

To Be a Strong and Confident Person do these 7 Things ; Concept from Mr. Steve Wohlenhaus CEO at Weatherology

People  by nature do things to sabotage their paths to success. We choose to believe in the rhetoric of limitation, 

"No it can't be done."

"Its too difficult"

"You could have taken the easy route"

"You could've done better only if you listened to me !"

Sounds familiar ? 

Life isn't fair, and we should not depend on Governments of the day, family, or blame ill health, bad weather or genes to determine why you are stuck in the rut.

Everybody in power will say, "lets level the playing field."

Sure, but I think it will be a long time before the trickle down effect affects you, unless you are very high up the political heirarchy or are in some high end MNC.

We need to transcend the politics, and transform our lives NOW.

We do not make excuses and marinate in the mediocrity of blame and outrage.

No, No. No.

External events (global crisis, goepolitical events, natural disasters) are never the answer for personal improvement.

We must make personal improvement a goal irregardless of how well the economy is doing.

"Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward, get real with yourself"

"Do not kid yourself into mediocrity" 

In my next post I will identify the 7 traits and steps and I will act on them.

You should too.



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