Saturday, February 24, 2024

Can I get 200,000 Views by March ?


                                                                           in early 1964 

I intend to post as many of my thoughts as long as I am able. The reason why I started this blog way back in 2008 was to record my thoughts and views and as I age, I could look back and assess whether my thinking had matured or changed with each passing phase.

People are not aware that they lose cognizance or gain 'intelligence' or 'wisdom' hence the need for me to pen my thoughts ever so often.

Thanks to everyone who has bothered to read my blog, it was, is and will be a non commercial entity encompassing my own (biased or somewhat coloured by my life experience) experiences.

You are most welcome to post your views in the comments section.

I have had over 200 comments, some are just Bots, but many are long long friends and acquaintances over the years.

The power of social media is so far reaching and wonderful if it is harnessed in the right way.*

I'm optimistic my blog can hit 200,000 views in a month's time.

Prove me right readers.

Ed's Note

We hit 200,000 views on 19th March 2024.

Thanks Readers and Followers ! 

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