Sunday, February 18, 2024

Lovely Bak Chor Mee ( Minced Pork Noodles) at Botanic Gardens


I love a good Bak Chor Mee every once in a while. That is the  small springy noodles called Mee Kia or Eu Mee which is dipped in a boiling pot of pork broth for a couple of minutes and together with a host of other ingredients like pork loin, pork ball, a sliver of fried dace fish,minced pork and some chopped spring onions. Please see below for a better understanding of the description.

Lovely to Look at Very Tasty from the first bite 

There is a recent small food court which has recently been opened off Evans Road, beside the NUS swimming pool. Called Sprouts, it is air conditioned (I guess for the gentrified people living in the neighbourhood who come over regularly after their morning walks and hoping for a nice breakfast together with their Kopi Kosong) and there are 4 stalls in total.

The noodle stall is run by a husband and wife team (I am assuming). The offerings are all noodles based and the Bak Chor Mee comes in 2 types :

a) Basic Bak Chor Mee which costs $4.50 (US$ 3.80)

b) Bak Chor Mee with Abalone slices - wait wow for $6.50. (UDS$ 5.70) 

There has been a glut of inexpensive abalone and other seafood from Japan, I guess because of the embargo of Japanese seafood into China since the authorities released the water held from the Fukushima plant area into the sea.

Honestly writing, the noodles are springy and tasty. 

There is ample vinegar and the ingredients are plentiful.

The soup is also very tasty.

Overall I give this dish a 4.5 out of 5 ; 


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