Thursday, March 7, 2024

Lets make this life a good one. Can I get 300,000 views by June ?

Recently, I had a revelation. But I have come to realise that to be remembered, I need to provide some value to the people around me. In addition, after a certain time,  you see many things with the clarity of accumulated experience and shared experiences of your family, friends, business associates and aquaintences.

I learn what I don't want to end up as

I understand my limitations

I understand my strengths

I realise that you can't please everybody so its better to prioritise who you must please first and foremost.

I realise that I am a leader and leaders need to serve first and foremost. 

I need to give my team the right direction and then if they go astray I need to bring them back to the correct path.

Priorities in Life ( Most important ranked 1) 


2.Your Relationships with your Partner Spouse

3.Family Cohesion and Care (Filial Peity)


5. Friends Situations. 

6. Business and Appearence

I believe I do not need to elaborate on each one as these should be self explainatory 

Some Mismatched Priorities

Different folk will place the items in different order, hence I will not explain the rationale for mine. 

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