Sunday, May 19, 2024

Precautions to Take when travelling to Western Europe 2016 - 2023 Experiences Episode 1

 Nov 29th 2023

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci 

My wife and I have had our annual 2 week holiday at each year end, since 2014. With the exception of 2015 (major project in S'pore), and 2020 - 2021 (COVID 19), we have travelled a total of 7 times, once to Japan and the remaining 6 to Western Europe. Average trip time 12 - 16 days. Places visited during these 9 years  :

a) London
b) Paris
c) Barcelona
d) Nice
e) Cannes
f)  Turin
g) Monaco
h) Milan
i)  Florence
j)  Pisa
k) Roma
l)  Venice
m) Como
n) Madrid
o) Seville
p) Cordoba
q) Lisbon
r)  Athens
s) Napfoli
t)  Santorini
u)  Mykonos
v) Cinque Terra
w) Tokyo
x)  Hakone

Precautions .- from me, a seasoned and somewhat disillusioned traveller on 'free and easy' trips 

There have been 2 major 'downers' for me.  I was pickpocketed twice (in 2016 Barcelona and 2023 Venice - Milan train) that has made me come to the conclusion that for travellers visiting Europe, they had better do the following, lest they end up with some major inconvenience and some mental distress if they end up losing their handphones, passports, credit cards and the like. With the bitter experience I have had, I now advocate using the following contraptions :
a) close contact sling strap on bags for their precious documents like passports and phones
b) bring only 1 or 2 debit cards 
c) If possible, carry a spare phone and not the one you normally use for work.
d) Buy travel insurance.
e) Always stay alert as best as you can
f) Trust no one especially at public places or places or interest. Eyes are on you all the time, the thieves can spot a tourist a mile off. 

Please, my dear readers and followers. Be prepared. There are a lot of unknown unknowns in Western Europe when visiting. The thieves work in gangs and they are very sophisticated.

Episode 1 - Dec 3rd 2016. Born district Bareclona

We had arrived and were thoroughly enjoying the scenery, food, wine and general laid back atmosphere of the Catalan countryside.  It was day 4 and we had already visited the following 

a) La Sagrada di Familie 
b) Parc Guell
c) La Ramblas
d) La Pedreira (Antoni Gaudi designed house with 0 sharp edges). 
e) Marina 

At Hotel Rooftop overlooking the Marina Dec 2016

The tapas on the whole was world class, and we had a lovely 4 days, triapsing all the places of interest plus the marina at the waterfront. I had witnessed personally 2 people being chased down by their victims and naively thought 'Nah, wont happen to me !'. I was so wrong !

The 4th evening we had arrived, we ventured to the Born neighbourhood. It runs perpendicular to the waterfront and the early winter evening was full of locals and tourists just eating al fresco with fire heaters warming up everyone. The feeling was, in effect, somewhat magical.

My wife and I chose to dine al fresco at one such Tapas place, and there was another party of around 6 people at the next table. We had just arrived, and while waiting to place our order, I foolishly placed my Samsung 10 (new) on the table. The party next to us left and, I slouched over and looked at the menu.

A tallish man came over on the right of me, and I rejected his offer of flowers. When he left, I remarked that who would want to buy plastic flowers for their partners ? Little did I know that they (the syndicate) had made the first attempt at my phone.

A small man then came over, and placed Flamenco dancing flyers under my nose. I pushed his hand away and he disappeared quickly. In a flash, I realised my phone from the table had been swiped when he pushed the flyers under my nose, at the same time taking my phone

I jumped up but he was no where to be seen.

It was a major shock to me. Beware !!!   

I will go again to Europe, the only way to overcome your fears (of being robbed or worse) is to face them but with renewed, more guarded demeanours and the wisdom of living the experience. 

At the rooftop of La Pedreira, Barcelona
Dec 2016

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