Sunday, May 12, 2024

Very Good Dry Pork Noodles (Bak Chor Mee) at Evans Road Food Centre

There is a small food centre (Sprouts Food Place) by the side of Botanic Gardens and the Swimming Pool, off Evans road and just before Cluny Road Why I know it is there is because, I frequent the place after my morning runs along Dalvey Estate Road, and White House Lane.

The food court is entirely air conditioned, and you can park your car at the open air car park lots beside. Around 8 am - 10 am there are numerous people who will adjourn there after their walk at the Botanic Gardens nearby. 

There is a drinks stall, a noodles, stall, a zhi char stall (Meiben Food Stall) and a Malay food stall (Botak Jones).

I am the only exception, as I am the only runner who runs around the weekend at that time and finishes at the front of the food court, more or less.

The Dry Pork Noodles is the best I have tasted in a long while, to be honest. I normally order the Mee Kia Eu Mee (its also called) or thin yellow noodles (you can also choose from Mee Pok, Sit Mee, Mee Kia and possibly Mee Sua - thick white noodles).

There are 2 prices available, $ 5 for small bowl and $ 6 for a large bowl. I recently tried the large bowl and was bowled over by the numerous ingredients put in it.  Let me try to describe the experience :

The noodles are springy in texture, the ingredients are plentiful There are :

a) 3 large pork balls
b) at least 4 - 6 slices of pork loin
c) generous minced pork portions
d) mushrooms
e) spring onions chopped
f) pork lard (you can request these to be8 omitted).

Do try to drop by one day and see for yourself if indeed the Bak Chor Mee is one of the best or just another run of the mill ?

The closest MRT is Botanic Gardens and you will need to walk about 5 minutes along Evans Road stretch.

There are plentiful signs informing passing cars of the presence of Sprouts Food Place.

Do give it a drop by.

You will not regret it. 

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