Tuesday, March 31, 2009

GM to Kaput ? Then there will be 2.

GM chief Rick Wagoner (no pun intended) and Chrysler and Ford Chiefs during the grilling by Congress in December 2008.

In early December 08, in an earlier blog, I mentioned that the US Government should 'bite the bullet' and let the inefficient car companies fail - ie. go bankrupt. Sure there will be major food chain implications but just early this week, President Obama said that the changes in GM were not fast and widespread enough to warrant another bailout funds so was prepared to let them go bankrupt but support the warranties and parts of those cars from the Feredal budget. Its about time I say.

In a free capitalistic market,companies which do not make money over the long run will run in into cashflow problems and ultimately wind up or have to fail or go bankrupt.To bail out these inefficient companies will be tantamount or equal to keeping already brain dead people on life support - a very costly exercise. Of course,human life and companies are totally different entities.

The fallout will no doubt affect the cities where GM,Chrysler and Ford
all locate their factories all over the world where tens of thousands will be affected directly and perhaps millions indirectly will be affected.

Early this week, Richard Wagoner the CEO was forced to resign and given a nice severance package of US$ 20 million.Will the ordinary folk on production line at GM get something after 10,15 20 or even 25 years at GM ? I wouldn't bet on it.

Back to Camp - 25 Years Later

Yesterday I took a step back in time, when I went to view some equipment which was located in the Singapore Armour Center at Sungei Gedong Camp. Coincidentally it was the SAME camp which I was posted to from late 1980 to mid 1983 way back when I was young (sigh). Unfortunately cameras were not allowed into the camp so this is the only photo.

I had a walk-around and a feeling of 'deja vu' came to me. The Old B**** or the Standard Obstacle Course was where it used to be where we young NCOs trained our Armoured Artillery Men - alot of them where "Hokkien Ping" or "Chinese Helicopter".
These men were called "helicopter" because they could not say the word "educated" properly and so it came out as "helicopter". Though alot of them had little education and some looked like thugs and gangsters (they probably were 'outside' (the camp), I know most of them (where are they now I wonder?) to be kind and gentle souls.

We were the famous Armoured Artillary Battery of Charlie Company in the early 80s. Famous because Charlie Company had alot of jokers and major cockups (including one very unfortunate death of my friend tank Commander Shu Tai Yong).

"Yes Corporer !"

The Parade Square, Company Barracks and the Cookhouse looked EXACTLY like they were 25 years ago, no makeover or building amendments except for some new paint by the looks of it. The ever present 'chinup bar' - the bane of my Army time doing National Service as I had weak arms, the best I could do is 12 chinups was all over the place. Memories come back like it was just yesterday.

The were many of the decommissioned AMX tanks as reminders of the past but now with the latest Leopard tanks in service,Singapore is well protected any time of the year.

I guess I will make it one of my Missions this Year to Locate my Platoon and Section Men ; 25 years after ROD (Run Out Date). Where are We Now ???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pattaya = Old Folks Home for Western Men

I am visiting the seaside town of Pattaya for business with my staff. Our customer is located about 30 minutes drive in the Eastern Seaboard town of Chonburi,Rayong Estate,or "Detroit of the South East Asia" (China,India and Japan surpass the scale and size of the car manufacturing industry many times). After the workday, we headed down to Pattaya for drinks and dinner. To some people, the image conjures up the Biblical towns of Soddom and Gomorrah where sleaze, prostitution,and all manner of vices are available. On only my 5th ever visit, I am still trying to find a word that typifies it but the only word is 'unique'. No, I wouldn't come here on a family holiday or even a holiday because its NOT my idea of entertainment and interest,EVER.
Perhaps for something totally different from the face of this earth is what I would call it !

However, I am struck that there are literally tens of thousands of Western (read White mainly) men of middle age to very old men and some aged Caucasion women who call this place home. They hail from many parts of Europe but looking at the restaurants menus and by the signboards there are many Germans, Russians,British and American. Every second couple is a Caucasian Man with a Thai wife/girlfriend and they have frankly boosted the Thai economy for decades by setting up the bars,restaurants and enntertainment outlets with their EUROs,Sterling Pounds and American Dollars. In a way, its like the perfect Old Folks Homes for these guys as they are a) not a burden for their 'home countries' when they fall sick and die b) things are very cheap by the Western standard or even Singapore standards, a chilled Singha beer goes for B 15 or S$ 0.60 or 60 cents at one of the countless bars. Unbelievably cheap. The Thai women coming here also flock to these Westerners like bees to honey as a union would prove 'win-win' to both the lonely man and the economically disadvantaged woman.

The relationship or marriage situation though convenient for the poor Thai woman who relies on the Westerner for the improvement of her standard of living does not sit well with many Thais who accept this as a sad fact of their society,but are not comfortable with it. The reason could be that the men are normally past the 'economic due' date and are not the 'foreign talents' which countries like Singapore,United States and Europe seek but are the old,widowers,divorcees, pensioners, socially inept failures and of course the sex tourists. White Trash is a phrase which comes to mind.

On top of that, there are additional busloads of gawking tourists who come from all parts of the world from China,Vietnam
and South America enjoying the beach, the muay thai shows (see pictures),walking street and lots of shopping.

So,at the end,Pattaya still remains relevant and even more dominant than when it was just a outpost for American GIs and sailors during the 60s and 70s.

Do the Thais want it ? Depends on who you ask. Does the World want it ? Again depends on who you ask.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Its not How Fast You Run But How You Finish Your Race

The picture above says it all, the face of a marathoner who has stayed the course and finished the race.For him the grimace is probably temporary but the sense of accomplishment is for his to cherish for as long as he lives.

I am trying,without much success, to do the following after my injury :

a) run on a regular basis
b) stay uninjured
c) stay motivated to continue running and finish as many more marathons as I can

The tricky part is finding the time,committment and perserverence to continue after the ITB (Illiotibial Band) injury and keeping my legs strong and supple. As a middle aged runner, each year presents a different challenge than when I was younger - say when I was in my teens,twenties and even thirties. The physiological makeup of a human being changes as he ages and it is telling.

Recovery rates are fasr slower,flexibility and balance are not as good.I can go on but its better to focus on the positives rather than the negatives.

To date, my 5 kms are on track, but I probably need to up my mileage to about 10 km per run and 50 km per week, about 5 runs of 10km per week by April if I am to meet my year end target of running 1 more full marathon.

Wish me Luck !

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just Wanted to Say "Hey ! Thanks for the Eyeballs! "

To all my friends,colleagues and whomever who's reading my Blog.

"Hey ! Thanks for the Eyeballs and Comments ! "

Monday, March 16, 2009

Technology Simplifies Life or Life is Enslaved to Technology ; first written in 2008 ; Now a Repost on 1st May 2017

Roland Teo, a friend of mine recently put up in his blog the trend for people in the lower hierarchy of an organisation being so dependent on the mobile thingy in their hands that they are online practically from the moment they are awake till the minute they go to sleep. They even answer the phone while doing their 'business' in the toilet. Then there are the Bluetooth types who have handsfree connectivity and appear to be mad people talking and laughing into the air while walking and driving. I admit I use the Bluetooth during driving but draw the line while walking.

A long time colleague turned friend,Frank Rigley,who has travelled the world over and is based in Germany,Hong Kong and Penang depending on time of year told me that he met a more worldly wise man on a flight to Brazil. The senior gentleman who was a business owner told the then young Frank (in his early 40s then) that all he ever needed was in the brown paper bag which he carried.In the bag was an apple and his paper organiser which had all the numbers to his lawyers,bankers,vendnors and key customers. Did he need to call any of them at all times of the day ? The answer is "NO". The brain is still by far the most complex machine mankind has ever made and we are still learning to use maybe 10% of it till this day ! Will his business go down the tubes or the banks start foreclosing the loans to him if he does not receive their call for 1 evening ? Definately NOT.

Do handphones,Blackberries,GPS, Ipods,Laptops actually make you "work less and play more ? ". The answer is "NO". Unless you play On-Line games and ignore work whereby you run the risk of 'goofing off' during work and getting fired,most of us are seemingly bogged down by the need to access our online workselves. By perpetually getting more 'connected' we are enslaving ourselves to our work and the tools which enslave us are the very ones which were supposed to make our lives easier. The Blackberry is a pushmail device whereby ever so often email gets sent to the owner and he is supposed to read and
respond to the mail while "on the go".

So ask yourself " Have you Got Lost (go to where noone can contact you) today ? " . It is a privilege that only a few - in the upper realms of management or the Financially Independent can truly afford to "Get Lost".

It seems that at the end of the day, we are Slaves to the Technology which was supposed to simplify our lives.Does it appear that we are in fact workng HARDER now than we did say 15 years ago (in the early 90s) given the amount of time we have to apply our brains and bodies to the work that we are involved in to get the SAME or LESSER returns ?(eg. salary or commissions).

This excludes the bankers of course, the less said about them the better !