Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gone but never forgotten ; Geoffrey and Anna Abisheganaden

The niches at Spiritual Grace Columbarium of my parents 
Geoffrey and Anna Abisheganaden

     At the columbarium off Upper Thomson Road, in a small church called Spiritual Grace Presbytarian Church lie the ashes of my parents, Geoffrey and Anna Abisheganaden. I made the visit there to the niche today with my younger son, Andrew, 14. My Dad's birthday falls on 23rd November, while my mother Anna's birthday falls on 30th November. My father would have been 92 this year and my mother 81 this year. My birthday falls on 27th November, tomorrow to be exact, and I am humbled to be celebrating the birthday today while remembering my beloved parents who toiled and hepled lay the foundation of my life through acquiring a good education, having a global exposure while still young through travel and now, after 17 years in business, a new direction in the form of business development. 

     Dad and Mum, you have given John (my brother) and I a very good foundation through family care and a headstart in our lives through your selfless love, care and hard work in the past years so that we are now, growing steadily with our families and careers, business, friends can finally see the vision and wisdom of your past  sacrifices.

    I salute you, Dad and Mum.  Rest in peace. From your loving son, Mark.   

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