Monday, December 10, 2012

No. 7

        The Standard Chartered Marathon on 2nd December was my 7th in total. I was not in the best of shape and had only minimal training. Added to that I had just turned 50, I had decided to run it, firstly to fulfill a resolution  at the start of the year and secondly to provide a decent finish to an erstwhile quite unsuccessful year where we had lost some key European product and the S E Asian economies were heading downwards due to the European and US crises.
        We had taken the right steps with new products as well as offering services for the local customers, but with the manufacturing sector in Singapore, Malaysia slowing this past 6 months, it has been tough on many small business owners including me.
        Back to the marathon, I started slowly, about 7minutes per km for the first 30km and maintained  it throughout. However, after the first 32 km, my will evaporated and the body started give me tell tale signs, although I had no muscle cramps, which was a blessing.
        So after 32km, it was a series of run and walk, for the last 10km, that effectively slowed me down. I had hoped for a sub 6 hour finish, but in the end, I told myself, health first, time secondary.
        My best time so far in the marathon (7 editions) is 3 times of 4 hours and 45 minutes.Will I able to do those times again ? I am confident that if I have the time and the training, I can and will achieve it.
        The oldest runner was a Mr. Faujah Singh, who is 101 years old. He started marathoning at 93 (!) so many a times, if a person takes care of his body and mind, he can and will achieve tremendous things with the proper diet, training and mental discipline. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"We have a lot of work to do"


        When Mr. Barack Obama was reelected for another 4 years in November 2012, this was one of his key message statements to the faithful who voted for the Democratic Party over the GOP (Grand Old Party) Republicans.

        The USA has lost its mandate to lead the world economically, it can at best be an indicator of where the next 'Big Thing' will come but I think that Asia has its best break now to lead the world in cool gadgets and products, as Asia is where the mass consumers are. China, India, Japan and Korea have a combined population of over 3.5 billion with a middle class of easily 500 million to 700 million. Already popular culture is looking at the Korean Hallyou (or Wave) and PSY's Gangnam Style dance is insanely popular amongst Youtubers. (almost 900 million 'hits' at last count)

      First the Presient has to get both Houses to agree on raising taxes, else the Fiscal Cliff will impact the whole country if there is no agreement. The Government will then be forced to shut down, schools and public services, utilities and essential Government Ministries will be shut, and then the domino effect will hit the rest of the country. 

      There is no turning back, if they do not do something on the massive debt and continue to print money, and raise their debt, while hoping for the economy to continue its anaemic growth, then there will be another tepid or mild expansion for the next  4 years.

       So, for the US to reduce the deficit and national debt, it first has to generate jobs. To generate jobs, the US needs to borrow more money to create the new (renewable and clean industries such as solar and wind, as well as expand its drilling for oil in Texas as well as Alaska. Once that is done, then jobs relating to the new industries can be created. But then it means incurring more debt, and hopefully these new industries will be able to export massively and reduce the trade deficit as well as pay back the debt. But the US is not the leader in renewable and clean industries (China and South America are), so the chances of the US being able to export its way out of the trade deficit and massive debt is slim.

     Unless the US finds a new 'champion' product or service which it can claim to to be the global first leader, it will be still stuck in an anaemic growth path, and debt will still be as high as ever. 



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The foolish run today

       I will always remember this run today for a long long time. Today, as I was preparing for the 42km marathon in roughly 2 weeks' time, I decided to take a challenge and run with a new pair of Asics Kayanos (version 18). I decided to run the Sime Trail at the McRitchie Reservoir which is roughly 11km from start to end, 1 complete circle. 

       I am not a novice at running the trails at McRitchie, but as I finished the run, something so significant dawned upon me, that I decided to write this down for posterity. I finished work before 6pm and made a beeline for McRitchie reservoir hoping to catch the last rays of light. By the time I arrived and changed up, and started out, it was 6.30pm. I did the run which was in the jungle, and not uncommonly, I would see moneys, sometimes monitor lizards and the occasional snake. The first half went by quite smoothly. I covered 7km in about 42 minutes or so, at a decent pace of 6min per km. My new shoes were absorbing the shocks of the uneven ground made worse by the rains the past days. There are many exposed roots and its slippery,so one wrong move and you could end up with a twisted ankle or worse, a major leg or body injury. The trail is meant mainly for walkers and people with trail sticks frequent it.
Some weeks ago some trail runners were lost in the Reservoir for up to 9 hours, so its not without its risks.

         I made it to the 2/3 rd mark at about 7.05pm. The ranger station was closed and a sign said that the treetop walk was closed and not open to public after 5.30pm  I was left with 3 options a) use the Sime road, which was well lit and run the remainder 5 km back b) Head back the way I came, which was quite treacherous with the fading light or c) continue with the Sime Trail into the forest and reach the end by sheer foolishness and willpower. That meant running up 9 small hills in the trail which was pot holed, and had mud as well as broken stones placed over the places where it was too muddy. Tough choice. 

        I chose option c). Purely by 'gut feel' and not logic, when I could have chosen the easy way back and ran along the road to the start point.With the light fading, the trail I was quite familiar became a black or near black track, with the occasional light from the opening of the forest which let the moonlight in from the half moon. I was afraid, but chose to press on into the darkness. The trail had its ups and downs, and pot holes, which I had to FEEL MY WAY through. I was scared to be scared, not wanting to think of the consequences of a wrong footing or  going off the track. There were lights but I realised that they were fireflies in the forest. After about 15 minutes  of solitary running in the darkness, there was a torchlight and one runner came towards me, he greeted me, and passed into the night. I felt much more sure. There was another solitary runner about 5 minutes later who greeted me with a hearty "Hi" and I was so energised, I ran with all my might. It was going to be OK, although I had another good 15 minutes still in the black forest.

        At the end of the trail, the lights of the reservoir beckoned. My thoughts during the run were this :

1. I am a risk taker, that is why I decided to go into business. You are always thrust into the great abyss (black hole) of uncertain future but you must have the extreme confidence that you will overcome whatever comes my way.

2. Do not think too much about the what ifs, because, life is real short, and if you spend too much time thinking about things you will never ever achieve anything.

    My run finished rather unspectacularly by the reservoir's edge. I remember the words immortalised by the late Steve Jobs to the new Harvard Graduands.

   " Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry, Never Settle".

   Well, the first 2 I have achieved with 100% accuracy. That is why I am still making a living running my own business. I have never regretted a single day of it. Never settle means that I must aspire for better than what I have achieved today. That will only be known over time.

   Seize the Day my friends.   


Thursday, November 8, 2012

4 more years (of mediocrity)

        As a non partisan observer of the 2012 US elections, I can conclude, that given the 2 candidates to choose from,  Americans chose to return the incumbent Mr. Barack Obama to office. When he took office in Nov 2008, the US economy was teetering on facing with the most critical economic crisis of its history with major lenders from Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac ,Citigroup, Lehman Brothers and  AIG bordering on bankruptcy. All these were blamed on the banks unfettered , unregulated (mind you) and near illegal bets on subprime mortgages loans, credit swaps and as a result Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, with AIG and many others bailed out by the TARF or emergency money to continue their ruthless lending.

      Four years down the road, with unemployment at a near all time high of 7.8% and the reemergence of General Motors after a forced bankruptcy, USA voted in Barack Obama again. There will be millions of analyses down the road for why they voted for him, and not the savvy businessman Mitt Romney. But for me, as a company director, if you are hired to manage a company, your job performance is normally measured in a span of 3 years, and if you are hired to make things better, then you better do so in whatever way you can. Else, you get shown the door, or fired. That is the American and global way of rewarding good performance and releasging poor performers. 

     So during his tenure what did the Fed do ? They printed more money to lend to the ailing banks stating that they were 'too big to fail' and as a result the people who created this mess and stall the world exconomy leading to an even greater mess down the road (few years from now) are still in their jobs and with more money too. Ridiculous isn't it ? 

     So America has voted in the incumbent Obama, he pledged to make good on the economy, but with the fiscal cliff looming and a divided House (Senate is Democrat majority and House of representatives is Republican) it is looking alot like a bleak Christmas and and uncertain new year.

    Wall Street as well as all major markets around the world sent their message to Obama.
They all dropped from 1.2 to 3 % in a day.  

    Oh dear.      

Sunday, October 21, 2012

One of the all time classics - Desperado

This classic from the 70's by the Eagles is a tune which I am playing on my Keyboards at home, for easy access I have pasted it on my Blog. Its best played without any Autotune or Drum Beat and goes well with any Karaoke singalong.  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

6 million dollar question, can life be comfortable with 6 million inhabitants ?


         The recent comment by our Prime Minister during the post National Day rally, stating that Singapore could manage with 6 million people, set many people questioning the feasibility as well as the possible livability with 6 million in our midst. 
      Yesterday, in our newspapers, they interviewed people from economists, gerontologists, social experts and urban planners for their views on this 6 million. 2 key points stick out, 

1. The urban population density will be raised from 12,000 per square kilometer to 14,000 per square kilometer.  That is alot of people per square kilometer ! Singapore will have to build not only upwards (40 to 50 storey skyscrapers) as well as build downwards (perhaps 10 to 20 levels below the ground).

2.     The social expert was concerned about the human and sociological impact on people citing experiments on mice whereby 3 mice in a cage, can coexist quite harmoniously, while 10 mice will be pushing and shoving, and competing for the top of the cage for the best 'air'.
Life would be very messy and ultracompetitive. People with the big hinterland like China, USA, even Malaysia can always move to the countryside and take things easy, costs of things and life in general would be slower. For us in our city state, we would have to emigrate.

       How realistic those scenarios may be, as currently with 5.3 million inhabitants, I can only  hazard and extrapolate, we are already witnessing more unsocial and crude behavior in lifts, trains, and malls for example. 

      One key point, is that for Singapore to progress economically, if there is no further productivity from our population, then we have to import people and businesses to prop up the GDP numbers. We all want to have our salaries moving upwards 5 - 7% year on year to tide and manage inflation. So, if our people cannot move upwards and create more value added services or killer products, then we need the new people to create them for Singapore.

       True ?     

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Recession is the time for great opportunities, do I dare to seize them ?

        This month saw the PMI or purchasing manager's index shrink to 47.8, the lowest in 6 months and proves that on the whole, the economy is suffering a technical recession, where 2 successive quarters have contracted with the previous ones, so Singapore is in a recession. Its yet to be felt, but people in the know are quietly disposing the additional or non-essential assets to ride through, should the measures and jobs situation get worse.

       I for one, and doing just that, but I am also hedging my bets so to speak, by selling anything and everything wherever I can, leveraging on contacts, goodwill, and even friendship. Its the time for boys and goondhus (stupid fellows) to grow up and experience first hand, how it is to survive in the dog-eat-dog world.

      Singapore may be well poised with a compliant workforce, competitively priced, but rents costs and  dollar costs per worker (including levies) are far higher than many other countries. We have no choice but to move up the value chain. If the new  'big thing' doesn't materialise for say 6 months - that is a killer product which will get everyone, to buy, such as the IPhone 5 or the move towards a greener earth leading to green based products, we will be facing the worst scenario, stagflation, whereby the economy will stagnate or even stay in negative zone while inflation (weakining of money) goes on unabated. Singapore needs to manufacture, and export things,  20% - 25 % of our workforce are employed in this sector, and contributes to 1/12 th (8% ) of the overall GDP.  Furthermore, with the interrelation of things, banks and lenders will be hit too, with foreclosures and monetary recalls.
      Its a scary thought.

Another marathon year end ? Will I be able to do it ?

                                               2010 marathon, when I still looked fit !

     This year,marks my half-century milestone. I will turn 50 next month and I am struggling physically from training for my year end ritual, the Standard Chartered Marathon. Having done 6 full marathons thus far (including 2011's edition), I am less challenged by the event and more challenged by just getting up in the morning and heading out for that all important 10K and build up. I will set myself a target in 8 weeks, here it is in full public view.

                 First 4 weeks

      Wk 1 (Oct 6 - 13)       40 km ;    10, rest, 10 , rest, 5, 5, rest
      Wk 2 (Oct 14-21)       40 km ;    10, rest, 10,  rest,5, 5, rest
      Wk 3 (Oct  22 - 29)    50 km ;    15 km, rest, 10, 5 10, 10, rest
      Wk 4 (Oct 30 - Nov 5) 50 km    15km, rest,10, 5, 10, 10, rest

      If I can't keep to this pace, owing to injury, work committments (age and social committments not excuses for not training) - I will give up this precious goal.  

     Seize the Day !!    

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friendship - can one put a price to it ?


             Recently I was asked to help out a friend in need, this means lending money. My first rule of thumb is that I have lent money to friends who told me the blunt truth that they were in debt and would take some time to repay it. The first friend left the country shortly after I loaned the money and is now in China. I doubt, I will see the likes of her again. The second friend was a long time friend who is based in HK and again he made no big promises of when he would pay the loan back. The amounts are not large, but both in the 4 figure region respectively. But I will remember them, because a loan is a commercial transaction, and business and friendship should never mix. That is my golden rule. 

            The point of it all is this. If you are indeed a friend, a good pal, someone whom you have shared good times and bad, why not help out, if you can afford it ?  The thing is, money is a great divider and many a times, the love of money is the root of all evil. There is this friend who got caught in a financial transaction gone bad, and started calling all his acquaintences including me  for small loans, each party he called he twisted the story a little bit to give the version which suited him best. All our mutual friends avoided him, and there is one friend, who has known him for 20 years and refused to lend him even the meagre sum he needed, saying that the idea of his friend repaying him was remote. I am appalled that people you may know for a length of time,maybe in years only want to know you when you have money.  Who will be with you when you are old and poor ?  Your true friends ? Your children ?  

         Friendships are most true when you are genuine and enjoy the company. 

         Buying friends presents, drinks and meals are fine. Even if it runs into the 4 figures for some, but when the issue becomes a money lending situation, friends start questioning the motives and even the foundations of the friendship. Chose who you want as friends wisely.

        What happens when you yourself are then caught in a bind ?   Who will then help you if you need some cash to tide over till the next payment comes in ?  Save for a rainy day and pray that that day never comes. 

        You reap what you sow. 


Is the USA in a better position now than 4 years ago ?


       I read an analytical piece about the US economy by a Robert Samuelson, for the Washington Post Writers Group, who compares Obama led Democratic Government from the time he was about to get elected - Sept 2008 till now, Sept 2012, where he is again contesting for re-election. He compared numbers such as inflation year on year, property prices, real disposable per capita income , cost of petrol or gasoline, Dow Jones stock index, unemployment in terms of percentage, as well as confidence level about the economy.
     In short the big picture shows this :

     2012 vs end 2008

a) Property or asset prices : down 20%
b) Dow Jones index : up (60%)
c) Inflation YoY :   8%
d) Cost of Gasoline : up 108%
e) Unemployment : up from 7.8% to 8.1%
f)  Consumer confidence : up by 62%
g) Salaries (hourly earnings) :   up by 6% YoY
h) Jobs in millions  : down 0.2 %    (133.6 Million vs 133.3 Million)

        He summarised that it was almost the same levels, except for the huge jump in gasoline prices. Dow Jones was up 60% but to translate that to real terms is impossible to assess, as it depends on whether the majority of people are into stock and equities. 

       In short, it boiled down to unemployment, if people can get jobs, then they have a fixed revenue stream and they can plan their future and retirement, housing, starting families and their lives in general. 

      I would say, that the American economy is in a state of limbo and if the jobs situation has stagnated or gotten worse, then the Obama administration has failed. That is the bottom line. 
I am no economist, but people in the new economy need assistance in getting onto the first rung of society, ie. jobs. Its not the quality of jobs, but jobs in total, in numbers. 

      Obama's team has been saying, well give it some time for the bills to take effect, the jobs will come, that has been their mantra and meantime, the Fed Reserve goes and approves the printing of more money or Quantitative Easing 3, which is pumping US$ 40 billion into the economy by buying long term US bonds each month, which will ultimately go into the banks coffers. What do the banks do ? Will they will then offer loans to all and sundry and repackage the debt just like the recent subprime crisis ? Or will the money flow out into the higher growth havens like China,  or even the safe havens like Singapore and Switzerland and bolster the stock market assets and property markets - as it has before with massive flows of hot money after the QE 1 and QE 2 leading to astronomical property price per square foot  in Singapore never experienced historically. 

     So, the writer asks, are Americans pessimstic about the future or optimistic ? Its less about whether Americans are actually better off now than 4 years ago - perhaps things have stagnated - and more about whether they believe things will get better. 

    The best is yet to be ? Or the worst is yet to come ?   


We can never go back, so be the best that you can be

                                                The boys at Gold Coast Australia, 2004 
                                    " You can never go back, you can never look back"  from the Boys of Summer, a Don Henley (Eagles frontman) song.

                 This is just a reminder to me and all who know me, is that to Seize the Day is to make the most of your time here. We have perhaps around 80 or less years (maybe 90 for some lucky few), so whatever your dreams tell you, it is you and you alone who will decide whether you want to pursue those dreams.

                 I may sound a little idealistic, but its my life, and I will lead it with no regrets.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday 7th September 2012, Reunion of the '78 Saints.


                                                Team '78, from L to R :
           Back Row :   Lee Lai Seng, Shoeb Kagda,Yap Tzin Haen,Andrew Lee,
          Front Row :   Paul Ezekiel, Phang Seng Meng,Andrew Paul,ChewPing Nan.

                                                          Lee Lai Seng, Myself 

Friday 7th September was the day we will remember for a long time to come 

We started the day early, some of us arrived at the Joan Bowen cafe in St. Andrew's Village as early as 3pm, to setup the sound system, music, Bingo and props. Kudos must go out to the following tireless Saints who gave up their precious time, and some opportunity costs to make this, our 50th year in existence a truly "'Once in a Lifetime"' experience which all who were present would be talking for years to come.

The organisers are :

1. A. Surendran - MC and general Overall in Charge
2. Chew Ping Nan - the man who kept everyone in the Loop 
3. Albert Hong Heng Chow - Treasurer 
4. YapTzin Haen -  Tombola  Man
5. Andrew Lee  -   Sound Man

Thank you guys for an unforgettable night ! , especially Surendran and Ping Nan. 

                                        Phang Seng Meng, Andrew Lee, A. Surendran

You are the Men !

         Our Master of ceremonies for the night, A. Surendran, who handled the evening's 
                                            proceedings with great professionalism 
In addition, there were 2 us, Paul Ezekiel and myself who formed a 2 man Band, dubbed "The Secret".  We played the School Hymn as well several songs from the Bee Gees and the Beatles which (OK I am blowing our horns here, and purely my biased opinion ) were appreciated by the Old Boys.

So the itinerary went like this :

4pm - Arrive for football, unfortanately after 15 minutes, Andrew Paul hurt his leg from the astroturf, and hobbled off. Rain stopped play after 20 minutes, and we waited at the changing rooms area till the All Clear was sounded.

5pm - Continued with football, the players numbered around 10 - 12, and they were :

Myself                                       Wong Yoong Ping
Yap Tzin Haen,                        Phang Seng Meng
Chew Ping Nan                       Andrew Paul 
Shoeb Kagda                          Jeffrey Kwan
Albert Hong,                             Paul Ezekiel.

Score was 7 - 5 in our team's favour.

Rain stopped play after about 45 minutes by which time, we were all tired out (we are 50 by the way!) and decided tohead for the early showers.

6.30 pm   Arrival of the Old Boys, there was much back slapping, hugging, "'Ï can't believe its you"' expressions and reminiscing about the Good Old Times.

              Phang Seng Meng, Aldrin Ow Hing Choy, Chiu Loo Kwong, Jeffrey Kwan


                             Abraham Mathew, Glyn Sim, Yap Tzin Haen, Andrew Lee 

7.30pm  Our old school teahcers arrived, I was so touched to have a good chat with Mr. Victor Wee who is 79 this year, but his mind is still razor sharp. He is retired from teaching and helping out at the orphanage in North East Thailand 4 times each year. Also present were Mrs. Diana Wing, Mrs Susie Fredericks, Ms. Jackie Oehlers, Mr. Tin (hockey coach) and Mr. William Wong (Junior 2 teachers)

                                    Section of the Old Boys with Mrs. Susie Fredericks 


To all the teachers who made it, and those who couldn't.   THANK YOU and GOD BLESS !!

 There was much merriment, and 'talking cock"  amongst the Old Boys that when Surendran took the mike to address the crowd, he had to resort to the school boyish taunts of "Shut the fxxx up !"' to get us all quiet. Even in the presence of our Minister buddy, we all behaved like we were 15, and why not ? This was a private event and our opinions and our behavior could very well reflect our pure intentions with no agendas except for having a jolly good old time with our Primary 1 to Secondary 4 classmates, best friends and enemies and reminisce.

Yap Tzin Haen and Albert conducting the Bingo session

S. Thedasaidas, Peter Ooi, Andrew Lee


 There was the Bingo, as well as the School Quiz, and 70s Songs and finally the Finale the School Song. There was so much memories, good and bad, that basically the food was secondary to us having a good time and seeing who looked like he was still 15 !! 

  Ping Nan leading the School Hymn with me on Keyboards, Paul Ezekiel on Guitar 
                                       and Andrew Lee with the Sound System

                                           Section of the 60 + crowd who turned up

   What an unforgettable and epic meeting of Boys turned Men.      



Reliving the days of our Youth ; Saint Andrews Class of 1978

            Friday 7th September 2012 will be long remembered by me as well as many as 60 of my Primary - Secondary school classmates. Why ?  Well, for one, we all (save for a few chaps who repeated 1 year or 2), 90 percent of us were 1962 babies, born in the Boomer years practically less than 20 years after the 2nd World War. So, yeah, we turn 50 or a half century old this year !


          Why celebrate your entrance into full middle age ? Some of you might ask , well why not ? We have had many times to be reflective, many things to be thankful for, and some things which we have some regrets and one important thing, we are ALIVE and for the most part, HEALTHY.

          That in itself is something I thank God for !


          Many of us (not all) are married, a number are divorced (some twice), some have been single all this while, but whatever their marital status, and sexual orientation, it was indeed a joyful occasion to meet, catch up - some of us had never even met up since 1978, a grand total of 34 years !! - play football like when we were in Secondary 1 - 3 (ages 13 - 15), without a care in the world except whether we would be caught by the prefects (ons of them is the current Minister in the Prime Minister's Office mind you) because, without fail, all of us would come into class at 1.10pm every weekday smelling like a bunch of dead rats !   Our form teachers, ranging from a Mrs Lim (aka Penguin), Checkgu (Teacher in Malay), Mrs Krempel (May her soul rest in peace), Mrs. Diana Wong (My 2C Form teacher), Mrs. Huang (a real toughie), and of course Mr. Victor Wee (our discipline master for the entire Secondary and Pre -U cohort) had to put up with this bunch of playful,  noisy, smelly, slacking jokers who would not be in the least bit motivated to hand in their homework unless threatened with house calls and caning.


       Many unforgettable stories came thick and fast, who was the most sexy teacher, who had the public caning for having porn magazines, who beat up whom, and sadly, who amongst our cohort had passed away.

                                        Part of the St. Andrew's Village encompassing the Primary, 
                                           Secondary School and Junior College all in one 'village'
                                       The old school field is now an artificial one made of Astroturf.

      Names like Andrew Fok, Raymond Goh and Zulkilfi were names bandied around as those who have left this world. I pray that our bunch of Old Boys stay steadfastly connected through our Old School which had left such indelidible imprints on our lives. I quote from the School Song by John Oxenham :

  "Lives are in the making here,
    Hearts are in the waking here,
    Mighty Undetrtaking here,
    Up and On  !

    We are arming for the fight
    Pressing On with all our might
    Pluming wings for higher flight
    Up and On ! "

   Such poetic wisdom in those words.

   To all my lifelong friends, the Saints, let me say this :

  " Keep the flame burning brightly ever !"

  We have run 1/2 the race, lets run the other half in the true  Saints Spirit and with Grace.

  Up and On !!  


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Open Condom Store - Psy's Mishead Lyrics

      To be absolutely honest, I didn't like his viral hit at all when I first viewed it. It was so 'in your face' randomness that I thought, "ah, another of those wannabe attention deficit, talentless people who hog the Social Media like Youtube, FB and Twitter". How wrong I was.

Update (Dec 2012) : His video hit Gangnam Style has hit over 1 billion views ! Making it the most watched video in the history of Youtube.

      His magic is that he does not take any part of his persona seriously, he says " Dress Classy, and Dance Cheesy" which is a real takeaway in this polarised world of Muslim anger at another insult to their religion, growing inequality between the rich and the poor, the rising show of power by the new economic giant, China and the European debt crisis which is threatening to throw the entire world into an economic tailspin.

     Whats a little bit of horseriding 'over the top' mayhem with a catchy tune and eye candy ?  Add to that the misheard lyrics like " Open Condom Store", " Sauna Air" , "Korea not a gnome", "Saddam said Whoa" and you have the next BIG THING.

     What exactly is this music genre I don't know, but its really ENTERTAINING. Thats what matters.


Psy brings down the Ellen House ! Amazing K Pop video

    The newest K-Pop phenonmenon, PSY, is a rather plump,average looking chap with gelled hair, great dressing and dark sunglasses. In short, he looks like a cartoon character who doesn't take himself seriously. However, his Gangnam Style dance has taken the entire world by storm clocking over 200 million hits in a matter of months.

    My initial reaction was "huh ? so that's it ?" and actually felt that this guy had no talent, danced horribly and no charisma. How wrong I was, you see popular culture embraces the raw edgy and totally wacky personas every once in a while, like the fellows who gave us the Macarena in late 90s and the strange Georgian chants infused into the funk music in the early '90s.

    But this guy, Psy, man, he is really a top class entertainer who can whip the crowd into a frenzy with this catchy , oh so hilariously random dance.

     See how he weaves his magic into the latest Ellen Degeneres show. Call me shallow, call me an Ah Beng, I am a fan !

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Can't wait to go ski again

Tomamu Resort Twin Towers facing the slopes

     The cold wintry days are coming, and I am sure looking forward to some time on the slopes. Yes, times are bad, businesses all over the world are reeling from the triple whammy of poor economic outlook in USA, the EURO debt crisis and China's plunging manufacturing sector. However, with some of my savings from the last few years, I plan to take my family for their once a year bonding time.
     It is likely to be again in Japan, as we can't afford the time and costs of a USA ski trip (normally its about 14 days, and total costs would be in the region of US$ 20,000), although I hope one day I can ski on the slopes of  Canada, Europe and Australia, with money, age and health related issues coming my way as I age (touch wood - I hope to keep those off for a long time yet).

     Then again, you never know, I might go to the North Asian countries soon, as our partners are located there, and the Dec - Feb months are perfect for a  slide down the pistes  or two ?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The First Rock Song

     This was the first rock song which captured my attention. I was all of 13 or14 at that time, and the year was 1975.  My family, particularly my father had only played the classics, his many operas and some Christian music. His reasoning was that he wanted his children to listen to 'cultured " (read Western classical) music and had no time or interest in the then 60s or early 70s rock and pop music of the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, the Doors, Queen, Beatles and the like. He likened that music to Satanic or people with hedonistic interests.

     As a young and rebellious teenager, I remember my good friend Andrew Lee, telling me that if I paid him 3 or 4 dollars, I could buy a cassette tape of the 70s 'pop' music. So I did, and the first album I proudly owned was Elton John's Rock of the Westies.

    It was glorious, ear candy to me. I was transformed into the '70s music fan. The top song I recall was this one, called Grow some Funk of your Own. It should have been titled (to Elton)
"Grow some Hair of your Own !'


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Past Prime Minister's Q and A on young of today

        This is a very insightful Question and Answer Session by the former Prime Minister, Mr. Lee. Very candid and brilliant storytelling of the early years of Singapore. If anything, the young people of today should listen to what he has to say. If they do not 'get it', at least understand that there were many patriotic leaders and champions of our independent first generation Singaporeans who stood tall,weathered the major challenges and made Singapore what it is today. I say "bravo" to Mr. Lee and his cohort.
       History has shown that Singapore has indeed risen to the occasion and now its up to the 3rd Generation of people to move forward. The challenges are far more complex and the world far more
interconnected, as can be seen by the globalisation of the world.

       Watch the video and see for yourself what a master storyteller and motivator Mr. Lee is.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gangnam Singaporean style

This is a really funny video parodying the hit Youtube Gangnam dance style from Korean rapper, Psy.

Its done in a really tasteless style, but its good to laugh at ourselves every once in a while. Enjoy it if you can understand it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy National Day Singapore !

                                          Happy Children watching the National Day parade

          Today August 9th, Singapore celebrates its 47th year as an independent nation, after separating from the Malayan Federation of States in 1965. Our history is short, but the achievements, many. As a proud and patriotic Singaporean, I would like to highlight one of the core values stated by our PM yesterday which many of us take as a 'given'. Many people who were born in the 60s and beyond, find the going more difficult with each passing year.

         Since 1965, we have had no natural resources save for a deep water harbour and Sentosa island, so practically 90% of our food resources are imported. We suffered from a lack of water, having had to buy water from neighbouring Malaysia and filter it. Our people were poor, lived in abysmal conditions in the kampungs and along the Singapore river. Gangsters and gangs operated in many estates from Redhill to Selegie to Katong. Healthcare was 3rd world standard, as was education and a whole host of basic amenities and infrastructure was lacking. Communist groups were festering and race relations was very fragile.

       Fast forward 47 years, the picture below shows the tremendous change since those tumultous days.With a GDP per capita of US$ 52,000 in 2011, Singapore is among the top 10 countries in the world.Its standard of living is very high, personal safety is practically the world's best, easily beating USA and many European countries, 40% of our water is self processed, through catchment and recycled (yes we drink our own processed 'toilet water' !), our smooth downtown traffic is the envy of many 1st world countries with the  COE , Electronic Road Pricing and the comprehensive Mass Rapid Transit. (OK its had its share of breakdowns and is a 'work in progress'). We have 2 thriving casinos (many would say that this is the root cause of many social problems of late) developing our downtown into a bustling tourist and metropolitan hub, our port is 2nd in the world in terms of tonnage passed, the Singapore Airline is the standard bearer for quality service worldwide, Keppel Corp is the largest oil rig builder in the world, the list just goes on and on.

     Many Singaporeans who have grown up with all these little luxuries, take everything for granted and want more. The complaints about the new foreigners taking jobs, school positions, not adopting to local culture and not integrating are genuine and valid. Having foreign people in our city is an inevitable aspect of globalisation as the flow of opportunities, money, talent, jobs will continue to the most open and adaptable of societies. Thereafter, the country can progress economically. That cannot be changed as this is the groundrules of globalisation.

     Singapore has a unique advantage other than the rest in that it is one of the most multi-cultural and multiracial societies in the world. It was not by chance that we are very tolerant and accepting of interacial friendships, marriages and living together side by side with the same 'kampong spirit' that was with us in the beginning in the 60s. People were much poorer then, and helping out each other regardless of race was, and is, a cherished core value of our great little nation.

     Lets stop and think during this  47th celebratory day of Independence. Racial Harmony is Singapore's key 'takeaway' to the world. The new immigrants who come here, have to work doubly hard at achieving what Singaporeans have obtained in the last 47 years. Granted there are some really rich tycoons who put their multi-millions or billions here (think Severon of Facebook as one example), but  Singaporeans have 'been there and done that'. Europen, Chinese and Indian migrants must adapt to our rojak mix like it or not,  so they eat at our coffee-shops, drink Tiger beer, and their kids attend our schools, we compete for the work opportunities on equal footing (discriminatory practices are 'no no' here).  Its getting a little crowded somedays on the  MRT trains and buses, but adapt we must and we will.

    Happy National Day My Singapore !!



Sunday, August 5, 2012

Do we subconciously set 'roadblocks' to our success ?

       Today at around 5pm Singapore time (London time 10am), Team Singapore's Men's Table Tennis was taking on China for a spot in the Men's Team Semi-Finals. True, mighty China are world champions, and Singapore are lowly ranked, perhaps in the top 10.

        I was having a drink before the start of my Karate class at the Community Centre's Canteen. So my friend and I were chatting about the week ahead, and I noticed that the TV was switched on the the Olympics channel, namely the Men's table tennis action. A little boy, of age 7 or 8 was rooting loudly for Singapore, shouting  "C'mon Singapore, you can do it !"  I was pleased that the youngest generations of our citizens are so solidly patriotic and behind our team (even though they were foreign born) even up against the toughest opponents in the world.  

       Much to my surprise, a man next to him, his father I presume, admonished him by saying " Ah yah, they have no chance, lah, that is China they are playing, sure lose !!"   For the record, Singapore lost 3 - 0. But the little boy's pure and outspoken cheering was refreshing, as it was a NEVER SAY DIE attitude. 

       I was quite taken aback at this attitude, but decided to keep mum. It just brings to me the question, does a life experienced with joys and setbacks, and reality, keeping us from having a dream ? Can't we beat mighty China in table tennis ? Why are we adults so negative about Singapore being able to   make it to the top of the sporting scene worldwide ? 


      Away with the defeatist mentality, my friends !!   WIN !    You will be shocked at the results. 

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...