Happy Children watching the National Day parade
Today August 9th, Singapore celebrates its 47th year as an independent nation, after separating from the Malayan Federation of States in 1965. Our history is short, but the achievements, many. As a proud and patriotic Singaporean, I would like to highlight one of the core values stated by our PM yesterday which many of us take as a 'given'. Many people who were born in the 60s and beyond, find the going more difficult with each passing year.
Since 1965, we have had no natural resources save for a deep water harbour and Sentosa island, so practically 90% of our food resources are imported. We suffered from a lack of water, having had to buy water from neighbouring Malaysia and filter it. Our people were poor, lived in abysmal conditions in the kampungs and along the Singapore river. Gangsters and gangs operated in many estates from Redhill to Selegie to Katong. Healthcare was 3rd world standard, as was education and a whole host of basic amenities and infrastructure was lacking. Communist groups were festering and race relations was very fragile.
Fast forward 47 years, the picture below shows the tremendous change since those tumultous days.With a GDP per capita of US$ 52,000 in 2011, Singapore is among the top 10 countries in the world.Its standard of living is very high, personal safety is practically the world's best, easily beating USA and many European countries, 40% of our water is self processed, through catchment and recycled (yes we drink our own processed 'toilet water' !), our smooth downtown traffic is the envy of many 1st world countries with the COE , Electronic Road Pricing and the comprehensive Mass Rapid Transit. (OK its had its share of breakdowns and is a 'work in progress'). We have 2 thriving casinos (many would say that this is the root cause of many social problems of late) developing our downtown into a bustling tourist and metropolitan hub, our port is 2nd in the world in terms of tonnage passed, the Singapore Airline is the standard bearer for quality service worldwide, Keppel Corp is the largest oil rig builder in the world, the list just goes on and on.

Many Singaporeans who have grown up with all these little luxuries, take everything for granted and want more. The complaints about the new foreigners taking jobs, school positions, not adopting to local culture and not integrating are genuine and valid. Having foreign people in our city is an inevitable aspect of globalisation as the flow of opportunities, money, talent, jobs will continue to the most open and adaptable of societies. Thereafter, the country can progress economically. That cannot be changed as this is the groundrules of globalisation.
Singapore has a unique advantage other than the rest in that it is one of the most multi-cultural and multiracial societies in the world. It was not by chance that we are very tolerant and accepting of interacial friendships, marriages and living together side by side with the same 'kampong spirit' that was with us in the beginning in the 60s. People were much poorer then, and helping out each other regardless of race was, and is, a cherished core value of our great little nation.
Lets stop and think during this 47th celebratory day of Independence. Racial Harmony is Singapore's key 'takeaway' to the world. The new immigrants who come here, have to work doubly hard at achieving what Singaporeans have obtained in the last 47 years. Granted there are some really rich tycoons who put their multi-millions or billions here (think Severon of Facebook as one example), but Singaporeans have 'been there and done that'. Europen, Chinese and Indian migrants must adapt to our rojak mix like it or not, so they eat at our coffee-shops, drink Tiger beer, and their kids attend our schools, we compete for the work opportunities on equal footing (discriminatory practices are 'no no' here). Its getting a little crowded somedays on the MRT trains and buses, but adapt we must and we will.
Happy National Day My Singapore !!