Saturday, December 31, 2016

Here's Wishing Everyone of you a Healthy, and Satisfying 2017

Happy 2017 to all 

   Its been a trying year for me, and for many in my family, close friends and associates. 2016 was nothing short of calamitous and with a deluge of many unforseen events on the global scale which affected us. On the personal front, I lost 4 Primary School mates, Leonard Tan Peng Yeow, Elijah Goh Ngian Meng, Martin Brett and 1 other. Ex - colleagues, Gan Swee Tuan passed on just yesterday as did a number of acquaintences and friends parents.

    My dear mother's ex-boss Dr Kwa Soon Bee also passed away about a month and a half ago. Time and tide waits for no man, and no man should ever be so careless with his time, as it is as precious a commodity as life itself.

    The Trump tsumani was only the latest in shocks around the world which will not only spell the start of populism in Governments. Brexit in June 2016 was a sign that all is not well in the EU with immigration of foreign people to the shores of European countries weighing on the minds of most if not all Europeans. Closer to home, we are seeing the flexing time and again of China's military, political and economic might with their response to the South China Sea decision by Den Hague Tribunal of the Sea where the response was an outright 
rejection of the Tribunal's decision. China also initiated the detention of the 9 Terrex vehicles belonging to the Singapore Armed Forces showing its unhappiness with the Republic's long standing military training exercises in Taiwan. 

       2016 was a tough year for many businesses, my included, and 2017 is not expected to be any better. The models, the types of businesses will all be reviewed and loss making ones shut, reinvented and moved to more rapidly growing economies. Singapore is facing a paradigm and it will need to restructure many aspects of its economy and recalibrate the expectations of many within. To wait and see would be a 'kamikaze' (self destruct) decision. 

       I pray and hope that 2017 will be a healthy and satisfactory one for everyone. New Trade deals will have to be remade and the next 2 - 3 years will be very challenging ones for all.

       2017 ; bring it on. 

The First Years 9 ; Catching and Fighting Spiders

This is what I was referring to in the earlier post about fighting spiders ; it is an elegant 'dance' which the spiders end up 'fighting' 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The First Years 8 ; Neighbourhood Games

Slide in our Garden 

     The picture above shows the slide in our garden. Behind is the terrace house where the neighbourhood boys and girls lived. We, the kids of the 60s were most fortunate to live the era of the 60s. They were such carefree, joyous times, I recall during my Primary School days in St Andrew's I only had tuition in 1 subject, Chinese. In the Millenium age, it is practically every other household who has tuition for their children in maths, science, 2nd language over. The children of school going age from the 90s to current day (2016) have a myriad of stresses,ranging from their school homework, enrichment classes, co-curricular activities, tuition, ballet,swimming, music lessons etc. etc. from Primary 1 onwards. 

    We hardly took homework home. It was garden play, catching spiders, flying kites and then home. Nothing else mattered.  When it rained heavily, the drains were overflowing with dirty water and the Malay boys from the nearby kampung came and dumped themselves into the storm drains. We were more civilised, opting to stay indoors. 

       There was no "I am richer than you' crap or where we stayed was the district 9, 10, 11 nonsense. We kids were equally poor as I recall. I did not even understand the concept of wealth (or lack of). As long as we had our play, some food to eat, some place to sleep, our parents and friends, we were in kids heaven. No laptop PCs, smart phones, phone apps (and the scams that are now so prevalent), no IPads, no bullying by Facebook, no Facetime, no internet. 

        Those were simple times, which we can never go back to.   

Me, Liang Puck, John and Poh San 

One of the wonderful games which we played endlessly was to find fighting spiders from the garden. There were these hibiscus plants, which whenever we saw 2 leaves stuck together, would likely be the nest of a spider. So we would clasp our hands and pull the leaves and catch the spider. It would be black in colour with 2 'arms'. So we would then keep them in an empty matchbox feeding them some leaves and preparing them for 'battle'. 

Battle or Fighting day would be when my friend and i would coax our spiders to confront each other, once. that was done, the spiders would by instinct or naturally 'fight' ; their arms would be out and 'fighting'.

One spider would inevitably run away and the other spider which stood its ground would be the 'winner'.

Simple game but oh so enjoyable !!! 

The First Years 7 ; Birthday Parties

1st photo with family members, 1st cousins, uncle Phoon and Aunty Dona

As a kid, I had it really good. In all honesty, I was very fortunate, this little brown kid living with his parents in a nice big house, all 30,000 square feet of land, with a nice white car and cousins, friends, maids, dog, all play and parties. This was the dream, or so I thought. What did I know ? I was only 3 years old then. 

In the photo above, my Uncle Phoon (now in his 80s) and Aunty Mona (close to 80) was carrying my first cousin, Lorraine. At extreme right staring into the camera is her brother, Rick, who is 10 months older than me. At the left of the photo were my Mum's nieces and my cousins Wynne, May and some other girls. The tall lanky good looking boy to my left was Kee Seng, who took care of me from time to time. He must have been at least 7 - 10 years older than me. Kee Seng lived in the neighbourhood along Sophia Road.

To my right was my eldest cousin Clifford Lau looking at Kee Seng and some other relative.
Clifford is stationed in Australia and Kee Seng and our family lost contact decades ago. 

This 2nd photo with me again looking bemused with my Mum and more family members 

     In the second photo above, my cousin May who is about 5 years older than me is standing at the left with the curly hair. I recognise Poh San, the girl behind to rhe right of my mother. She became an air stewardess with Singapore Airlines but our families lost touch. The stout boy to my Mum's left is Liang Puck and to my right are my elder cousins Clifford (with straw) and Winston. Clifford and May are siblings, Rick and Lorraine are siblings, Winston and Wynne are siblings.

      My Mum being the eldest in the family, or big sister wielded the most 'power', all the sisters and 2 brothers listened to her firm and sagely advice on family, career and investment matters, even though she was only in her mid 30s then.They had a tumultuous time first in China, as my grandfather worked for the Chiang Kai Shek administration, before the 2nd World War broke out.  So all in all there were 4 sisters, Anna, Dona, Mina and Mona. 1 younger brother David Mun (whose kids were not born yet) and 1 half brother Gordon (my grandfather married another woman). 

      The family though close have not had contact with Uncle Gordon for decades.

  Sitting on the garden swing ; the Big Head brown boy with his pretty Mum
    1965 was the year Singapore separated from the Federation of Malaya and had to 'go it alone'. The little island was beset by many Communists aligned to the CCP of China, the island was poor, there was a mix of races with Chinese being the majority, Malay and Indians.

              GDP per capita was like US$ 300. We had no natural resources, no foreign reserves, nothing. But we had in 1 brilliant man, Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, a driven and gifted politician who had the steely determination to wipe out the Communists, a fledgling People's Action Party which had a very strong core team of 1st Generation Leaders, Goh Keng Swee, Toh Chin Chye, S. Rajaratnam, Yusoff Ishyak and J.Y. Pillay to name a few. From this core team, a lot of hard work was done to elevate everyone's standard of living to what it is today, a first world metropolis, safe and a high standard of living. 

   Clearly I was not a 'happy camper' in this picture circa 1963.

So, I had the whole single child thingy for 3 years. Then came John.... that is for the next posts. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

One More Try - George Michael

Goodbye George Michael ; another star of our youth snuffed out

The pretty boys of Wham ; Andrew Ridgely and George Michael

    On Christmas Day 2016, the pop world was shocked by another celebrity death, George Michael, who was one half of the group Wham !, he was 53. He died in his home in Oxfordshire UK due to heart failure. Once again, the music world is showing its fraility. Many of our icons and influencers in the world of music, big screen, football of the 70s, 80s and even 90s are no more. David Bowie,Natalie Cole, Alan Rickman,Prince, Johann Cryuff and now George Michael just to name a few.   

     When I was in my late teens and early 20s, the pop duo Wham ! came onto the scene with a big bang. Music and pop, the likes of Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Elton John, Wang Chung, the Communards, and of course Wham ! dominated the party music scene. 

     Every lounge in Singapore, including the Chinese ones, had the opening raunchy saxophone strain of  " Careless Whisper" tune. Every Ah Beng could sing this song, it was that pervasive. George "the Greek" Michael the lead singer of Wham duo and it melted every schoolgirl's heart. Unfortunately he batted for the other side, and declared he was gay in the 90s.  

    I listened to Wham's music, and followed and bought his album's after Wham broke up. They played catchy tunes full of lovey dovey stuff, but the tunes were the big draw. George was a natural talent, and while he had his share of brushes with the law, the fans loved the music.

    The Whamsongs which I listened to, during my young 'salad days', during the National Service and the early 20s as an undergraduate we :

a) Wake me Up before you Go Go
b) Wham 
c) Careless Whisper
d) Last Christmas

As a solo artiste, George also hit paydirt with songs like Freedom,Faith, Jesus to a Child, and the side B song which I absolutely loved, One More Try. I sang it for weeks in my car. It just had a side to it which connected with me. I don't know why or what it was but the lyrics were so gripping

Everything She Wants Video 

Goodbye George Michael. This was your Last Christmas.    

The First Years 6 ; Papa 1962 - 1966

Geoffrey circa 1960 

     My late father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden was a barrister of law, from Gray's Inn of London from 1947 - 1950. His studies were probably disrupted by the second world war when Japanese forces occupied Singapore from 1942 - 1945. 

     His era was the era of the Old Guard politicians of Singapore, the most famous being the late Lee Kwan Yew. Geoffrey was the assistant to David Saul Marshall who became the first Chief Minister of Singapore in 1958 (I think my history is correct). Later on, Geoffrey went on to set up his own law firm, Abisheganaden and Company first at the Boat Quay area and later at Selegie Complex.  

    He was a fine man, a humble man, and a servant of the Lord Jesus. A Christian for most of his life, he eschewed the meaning of the word 'kindness' always lending a hand, either through his expertise as a lawyer providing pro bono work to people who were in trouble, to serving in numerous committees, and one of the signatories of the proposed Singapore's Magna Carta - the Constitutional Commission, or the basic laws and regulations of our then new country in 1966. This honour was bestowed to only a select group of individuals, judges, lawyers and people of high character.  

Report of the Constitutional Commission, 1966. Singapore's Magna Carta or Rule of Law. 

His work took long hours, on top of that, he was instrumental in setting up of numerous societies, such as the Bible Society of Singapore, he was also for a time,the secretary of the Synod, was on the board for the YMCA, the National University of Singapore Society's President from 1967 - 70, the board of Governors for both the St Andrew's School and the brand new Junior College, the Singapore Swimming Club, the St Andrew's cathedral legal advisor and numerous others which he did not bother to tell me.    

    His Portrait is on the wall of the Kent Ridge Guild House honoring past Presidents of the society which also included my late Uncle Paul who was the past President from 1962 -63.
Papa was very devoted to his work and sought after for his legal acumen. He would at times, because of his high stress at work, be yelling in his sleep the cases he had had the day before. Believe me, his baritone voice can be very loud ! Many days, my brother and I would be playing in the garden or in the neighbourhood and my Pap would come driving up the driveway into our house. 

  Some nights when my Papa and Mum when out for dinner till late, we would feel very alone in the big house. All in all, he was very loving and kind, and showered us with gifts during birthdays, holidays and of course, to buy ice-cream. Magnolia was the brand of choice then.

My father's portrait above that of the famous philatrophist, Ee Peng Liang 

The Ice Cream Man was my favourite Person ! 

The First Years 5 - Family of 3

This was taken in 1963 somewhere in East Coast ; our family car in the background

Before my brother John came into the picture, I was the little 'king' in the household. Not that I remembered much of it. There were parties in the garden of our bungalow, kids from the kindergarten, and the neighbourhood attended. My relatives from both sides (Dad and Mum) also attended. So, I was the 'star' then. This little brown boy. 


My family dog, Trixie

   We had a family dog then, called Trixie, a black coloured cocker spaniel. She was very gentle and playful. I don't recall much then except that we had 3 half breed dogs later when I was around 8 years of age.  My house was my 'castle' and all the neighbourhood kids came around to play outside (Mum rarely let them inside, except to munch on her much appreciated snacks).  My father I recall also sang "Summertime" (by Louis Armstrong) and I knew the lyrics of Tiger Tiger Burning bright ( I was born in the year of the Tiger)

Cousins Ja and Peter ; children of Alex and Eileen Abisheganaden

The Abisheganaden family, as most people recall, were a real musical bunch. Grandfather Arputhan was an Anglican pastor from India. He first set foot to South East Asia in Penang, before his calling took him to Singapore. My uncles, Paul, Felix, Alex, aunties Diana and Esther were all musically inclined. 

Uncle Paul, the eldest, was a principal, and he was the conductor at NUSS ensemble, as well as the choir at the 11am St Andrew's cathedral. Uncle Alex is a gifted guitarist, double bass player, as well as a piano player. My father was a tremendous baritone singer, having attained his LRSM from the Royal Academy of Music from the UK apart from being an accomplished lawer called to the bar at Grays Inn London.

Playing sandcastle building at East Coast

        The recollections of these early years are and were all joyous ones. Way before the East Coast Parkway (and the condominiums near Katong Park sprang up), the East Coast was called the East Coast because the coastline was just there. Grand houses (Mr. Chan Ah Kow and many others) lined the beach. 

       Days of play, attending kindergarten, more play, birthday parties, beach visits, visits to Mr. David Marshall's huge bungalow in Changi point. This was a time long long ago. 


The First Years 4 - Anna

          My Mum Anna Wen was a Girl Guide Leader in the late 40s and 50s.

       My mother, Anna Abisheganaden (nee Wen) was born in Hong Kong in 1930. My maternal grandfather, P.C. Wen was a wealthy official under the then HK Government. My grandmother (Po Po), was from Guangzhou and I only know a little about my Ah Gong and some more about my Po Po. That is kept for a later blog post.

      Anna Wen was a civil servant in the Ministry of Health. She worked (I think) at least over 40 years with her last appointment being the PA to the Perm Secretary, Dr. Kwa Soon Bee.
After coming to Singapore, she was very active in the Girl Guides, and even met with Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth II husband) at the Padang. She was a strong leader and a firm but wonderful mother to me and my brother John.

My mother introducing her Girl Guide Troop to a VIP

      Since I could remember, she was always very giving and spending alot on my childhood development. I had a large head upon birth, she and my father, Geoffrey, brought me to see a pediatrician to assess if I had a problem. In the 1960s, many people were out of work, housing was mainly old dilapidated shophouses many not repaired since the Japanese occupation,basic sanitation and hygiene were major issues, the streets were filled with gangsters and there were triads from the major ethnic groups, Indian, Chinese and even Malay.

      Fortunately, the doctor said I was OK, and let nature take its course. I had the luxury of receiving good dental treatment from the Institute of Dental Health and medical services from the SGH as well as from good friends like Dr. Long (my father's good friend, below picture), a dentist whose practice was along Middle Road.
Anna with Dr. Long
A funny anecdote in my later years was this, my Dad took me to see Dr. Long, and I always hated the dental visits, so hardly bothered to brush my teeth regularly, he scraped out some white stuff and showed it to my father who blurted " Mark must have eated some candy beforehand ! "

                                             Anna with her then boss Moses Chew

My Mum was a typical Cantonese lady, very gregarious and full of vigour. She was very active after work, and when we reached the age of around 10, decided to join the Singapore Swimming Club whereby she took to going there every day of the week, perhaps with the exception of Saturday and Wednesday (as I recall). She was an avid swimmer, took part (at verious stages in her life) in badminton, tennis, kong chian, jazz ballet.

   My recollection in the 70s (in later posts) she encouraged her younger sister Mona and brother in law Phoon to join also as members. Our entire families had many nights there after school (for us) and work (for them) having fish and chip dinners, watching movie night at the far end of the clun and the annual Dinner and Dances.

    Truly a wonderful time.    


The First Years 3 1960s

      This set of photos shows me from the time I had my first memories.  My Mum, Anna Wen was the personal assistant PA to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, from the years 1960 all the way till 2006, a total of 46 years !  


                                              Mum, circa 1959 along West Coast Road 

    I was basically the 'Indian chief', a rascal who was very playful and all my playmates were either from the neighbourhood or the kindergarten at Prinsep Street (the Presbetarian church still has the kindergarten operating today). In my toddler days, my Mum was working full time, as was my father , and I was left to the nanny or 'kaka' (big sister) who was basically a married Malay lady who came everyday to cook, wash the clothes, bathe me and mind me. 

    My elder cousins tell me that I had a very privileged childhood, with so many minders looking after me ; in addition to Kaka, there were the squatters who lived at the back of the bungalow house (Pak Chik and his son and family), there was Poh San, who was about 10 or 11 from the neighbourhood, and there were the street kids who lived up the road, in the terrace houses and there were the Malay boys from the kumpung (communal settlement) along Sophia Road.

    I have little or no recollection of these except for Kakak, Poh San and my first playthings which included a rocking horse, an 'U Tee Tah'  (my father said I couldn't pronounce racing car so I said U Tee Tar)  and the assortment of cuddly toys all which I eventually got tired of.
My U Tee Tar was a battery operated one and I was immensely proud of 'driving' it around the house. It must have cost my father a lot of money then. 

My father started out as a criminal lawyer, then progressed to handle matrimonial matters and finally specialised in conveyancing. He was a wonderful and magnaminous man, with a great heart to serve the Lord and he had a wonderful baritone voice which he sang every Sunday at the St Andrew's Cathedral service 11.00 am. When he passed away on 20th Sept 2010 ; at least 800 - 1000 people from all walks of life had come to his wake,touched by his gift of giving.

      These years though uneventful for me, were very happy ones. Our Abisheganaden family was and is well spread out throughout the globe, with cousins residing in Norway, Australia, Malaysia, Portugual and Singapore. My Dad's family met every Christmas and during weddings and get-togethers though we meet less often nowadays. 

       It is my wish to see this situation improve. 


Sunday, December 25, 2016

The First Years 2 - 1960s

John and I ; the big Kor Kor circa Dec 1965 ; this was taken at the verandah of our house 

    This is the second blog post for the First Years ; the 1960s. The era was quite uncertain for Singapore, we had just broken away from the British as a colony, and the first Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, as well as the 2nd Chief Minister, Lim Yew Hock both from the Worker's Party were in charge of the island as part of the Federation of Malaya. Together with Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak, the 15 state Federation of Malaya was in its infancy.

    I remember we had the airline MSA or Malaysia Singapore Airlines, and we used the ringgit.

In 1965, due to political and social unrest in Singapore, the Tungku Abdul Rahman and Mr. Lee Kwan Yew agreed for a separation ; this was settled on the 9th August 1965 ; a truly historic moment. However, it was a very uncertain time for Singapore. 

On the world's stage, in 1961 John F. Kennedy stared down Fidel Castro's administration and the Russin big bear so much so they had to stall their plans of installing missiles right at the backyard of the United States of America. This had come soon after the humiliating Bay of Pigs attempted invasion by Cuban exiles and the US. 

My father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden, with my brother, John in the garden. The Simcar is in the background. 

In  November 1963,  John F. Kennedy was shot while he was in his open top convertible in Dallas Texas. The Vietnam war was escalating with tens of thousands of US troops airlifted from bases in the US to Thailand, and South Vietnam. Communism was rife in the South East Asian peninsula with Vietnam taking the centre stage. China herself was undergoing the great Cultural Revolution during the '60s. 

It was a tumultuous time ; as a toddler, I was totally in blissful ignorance, coccooned in play, local games, and creating general mayhem for my maids, the gardener, and the kids in the neighbourhood. 

It was a glorious time for me.  

                                                 Playing in my Papa's car ; 

  My mother shielding me from the aggressive monkeys in the Botanic Gardens, circa 1964. 

The first years - 1960s

            One of the earliest photos of me, at the verandah of our old house in Adis road

This is season for reflections and gratitude, so this Christmas, I am grateful for my parents, Geoffrey and Anna who though have passed on 5 and 6 years ago, still have imparted numerous values and lessons to me and my brother and now, 50 odd years on, I still love and cherish their love, guidance and wisdom. 

I was fortunate enough to be born in a well - to - do family, and Singapore was then in the throes of breaking away first from the British imperialist empire, which they had humiliatingly lost to the Japanese in the 2nd World War.  The bastion that was Singapore, was lost in a manner of weeks, and the Japanese were harsh masters during the 1943-45 years. In 1957, the Tengku had fought for and got a hard won freedom for the Federation of Malaya which Singapore was part of. 

Our country was in a shambles, unemployment was high, racial riots had happened, and there were Communists in many segments of society. Our then Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew had his work cut out for him. History has shown that he through his PAP party emerged victorious and transformed our little island into a metropolis today, with safety, racial harmony and one of the world's highest standards of living. Indeed we have come a long way.   

So, I and my generation have witnessed and also blessed to be reciepients of the amazing transformation of Singapore from third world to first world in barely 35 years.    

This was taken at the fountain outside Raffles Place, near Robinsons (before the fire)

My father was a lawyer practicing first with David Marshall (the first Chief Minister of Singapore) and then later on his own (he had his own law firm called Abisheganaden and Company) and had set up in the boat quay area. I remember walking up the dusty stairs of the godown turned offices to his office. He had a male secretary called T.T. Fry who was Eurasian (I believe). We lived in a bungalow in Adis Road (off Sophia Road) and I recall the house was used as the Japanese command post during the Second World War. We had 2 schools as neighbours, Nan Hua Girls School and Methodist Girls School (MGS) which was accessed throught Mount Emily Road. 

My mum and I at the Botanic Gardens, 1963

The early years were really carefree, fun, with parties, maids and playing all kinds of outdoorsy games with the neighbours. The names were a mish mash of Chinese, Indian, and Malay. No one really cared much about how big each other's house was or the size of their cars ; if they had one, I did not know or care. It was a glorious fun filled childhood.

Ah Puck, Fatty, Ah Leong, Poh San, Thomas Jacob, S, R, Pak Chik, these names are just thrown into the wind of my earliest memories. We had fighting games, catching spiders, playing football, dogs chasing us, we playing with our 3 dogs (all mongrels), tearing shirts, pnats, cuts, bloodied faces, arms, legs. Ah...the 1960s  .... my early days.  

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...