Monday, December 26, 2016

The First Years 3 1960s

      This set of photos shows me from the time I had my first memories.  My Mum, Anna Wen was the personal assistant PA to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, from the years 1960 all the way till 2006, a total of 46 years !  


                                              Mum, circa 1959 along West Coast Road 

    I was basically the 'Indian chief', a rascal who was very playful and all my playmates were either from the neighbourhood or the kindergarten at Prinsep Street (the Presbetarian church still has the kindergarten operating today). In my toddler days, my Mum was working full time, as was my father , and I was left to the nanny or 'kaka' (big sister) who was basically a married Malay lady who came everyday to cook, wash the clothes, bathe me and mind me. 

    My elder cousins tell me that I had a very privileged childhood, with so many minders looking after me ; in addition to Kaka, there were the squatters who lived at the back of the bungalow house (Pak Chik and his son and family), there was Poh San, who was about 10 or 11 from the neighbourhood, and there were the street kids who lived up the road, in the terrace houses and there were the Malay boys from the kumpung (communal settlement) along Sophia Road.

    I have little or no recollection of these except for Kakak, Poh San and my first playthings which included a rocking horse, an 'U Tee Tah'  (my father said I couldn't pronounce racing car so I said U Tee Tar)  and the assortment of cuddly toys all which I eventually got tired of.
My U Tee Tar was a battery operated one and I was immensely proud of 'driving' it around the house. It must have cost my father a lot of money then. 

My father started out as a criminal lawyer, then progressed to handle matrimonial matters and finally specialised in conveyancing. He was a wonderful and magnaminous man, with a great heart to serve the Lord and he had a wonderful baritone voice which he sang every Sunday at the St Andrew's Cathedral service 11.00 am. When he passed away on 20th Sept 2010 ; at least 800 - 1000 people from all walks of life had come to his wake,touched by his gift of giving.

      These years though uneventful for me, were very happy ones. Our Abisheganaden family was and is well spread out throughout the globe, with cousins residing in Norway, Australia, Malaysia, Portugual and Singapore. My Dad's family met every Christmas and during weddings and get-togethers though we meet less often nowadays. 

       It is my wish to see this situation improve. 


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