Monday, December 26, 2016

The First Years 6 ; Papa 1962 - 1966

Geoffrey circa 1960 

     My late father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden was a barrister of law, from Gray's Inn of London from 1947 - 1950. His studies were probably disrupted by the second world war when Japanese forces occupied Singapore from 1942 - 1945. 

     His era was the era of the Old Guard politicians of Singapore, the most famous being the late Lee Kwan Yew. Geoffrey was the assistant to David Saul Marshall who became the first Chief Minister of Singapore in 1958 (I think my history is correct). Later on, Geoffrey went on to set up his own law firm, Abisheganaden and Company first at the Boat Quay area and later at Selegie Complex.  

    He was a fine man, a humble man, and a servant of the Lord Jesus. A Christian for most of his life, he eschewed the meaning of the word 'kindness' always lending a hand, either through his expertise as a lawyer providing pro bono work to people who were in trouble, to serving in numerous committees, and one of the signatories of the proposed Singapore's Magna Carta - the Constitutional Commission, or the basic laws and regulations of our then new country in 1966. This honour was bestowed to only a select group of individuals, judges, lawyers and people of high character.  

Report of the Constitutional Commission, 1966. Singapore's Magna Carta or Rule of Law. 

His work took long hours, on top of that, he was instrumental in setting up of numerous societies, such as the Bible Society of Singapore, he was also for a time,the secretary of the Synod, was on the board for the YMCA, the National University of Singapore Society's President from 1967 - 70, the board of Governors for both the St Andrew's School and the brand new Junior College, the Singapore Swimming Club, the St Andrew's cathedral legal advisor and numerous others which he did not bother to tell me.    

    His Portrait is on the wall of the Kent Ridge Guild House honoring past Presidents of the society which also included my late Uncle Paul who was the past President from 1962 -63.
Papa was very devoted to his work and sought after for his legal acumen. He would at times, because of his high stress at work, be yelling in his sleep the cases he had had the day before. Believe me, his baritone voice can be very loud ! Many days, my brother and I would be playing in the garden or in the neighbourhood and my Pap would come driving up the driveway into our house. 

  Some nights when my Papa and Mum when out for dinner till late, we would feel very alone in the big house. All in all, he was very loving and kind, and showered us with gifts during birthdays, holidays and of course, to buy ice-cream. Magnolia was the brand of choice then.

My father's portrait above that of the famous philatrophist, Ee Peng Liang 

The Ice Cream Man was my favourite Person ! 

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