Sunday, April 23, 2017

Lets Take things in a Calm, Rational Manner ; do not Jump to Conclusions


         By now the social media is abuzz with the video and pictures of the well dressed couple who literally bumped off an elderly 'uncle' at the hawker center at Toa Payoh Lorong 8. The trolls are giving the couple a field day, I wish to just respectfully say that yes, is appeared that the altercation was too much. The young man had no right body slamming the old man so much that he almost keeled over and had to hold on to the table for dear life.

        It is sad and shameful to see Singapore, with all its years of development, GDP growth and high standard (together with the cost of living) of living, there are people who do not even have the basic graciousness to accept to share some thing as basic as a hawker table ?  It reflects really badly on our society. The elderly man was not belligerent, nor rude nor obnoxious. He obviously wanted to take a seat and probably did not see the objects placed by the side of the table. The lady was foul mouthed and her companion was acting like a thug.  

      Singapore has many plus points to its name ; however graciousness in society is still lacking. I wonder if it is because we are too cloistered up in a small island and the lack of living 'space' has made us a pent -up society ; wanting to fight tooth and nail over every small thing which 'belongs' to us. Like lift space, table space and toilet cubicles.  Queueing has been accepted in our society and I try to be as gracious and giving to the elderly whether they are grumpy or entitled minded or not.  

     The Government had originally set a 6.9 million number for people to live in Singapore. It is in my humble opinion, just too many for us to live in such close proximity. Lets learn to live graciously as good neighbours and share whatever we come upon. 

     Lets just take things in a calm and rational manner ; there were some angry words said. The young man was totally in the wrong to body check the old man regardless of what he said to the woman. We are after all, a developed society. Time and again, we need a courtesy campaign ?? The 2 young people should look themselves in the mirror. 30 years from now, if they were treated like what they did to the old man, how would they feel and react ?  The keyboard junkies and all the name calling must stop. 

    Ashamed. Thats what I feel.  

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