Monday, April 17, 2017

Rave Run - Nassim Road 5.45 am ; Mark's Marathon Training Plan


These are the pictures of Nassim Road Singapore, where I used to run 10 years ago, in 2007. The distance is 4km for a loop from the Evans Road entrance all the way down to Orchard Road entrance,including a small detour at Lermit Road. Its wide,car free most of the time and I wish I could wake up more times at 5.20am to run this loop !

     This training route is one which I had been religiously training 10 years ago when I was on fire to finish as many marathons as I could in 1 year (sadly or happily, it was only 1 per year). I was normally there at 5.30 to 5.45am to run 2 sets of loops,a total distance of 8km.This was my initial training for the marathon sometime later part of this year. Later in the training program I would add on more loops and until maybe 1 month or 2 weeks before the main marathon, I would be doing as many as 7 loops, 4 x 5km and 3 x 4km. A real workhorse way of getting the body accustomed to the 40 km terror which was called the marathon. 

      My plan then : every 1,3,5 and 6. Starting week : 6 -13 June. Start Time : 5.45 am. Except every 3rd week where its my turn to take the carpool for the boys to school (30th - 4th July) ; this was when my elder boy Noel was in ACS Independent and I had a rotational thing with 2 other parents to fetch our children to the school which was some 30 minute drive away from our housing estate. 

     I plan to restart the old 'engine' for 1 or 2 more hurrahs. The overseas marathons are beckoning me. Beautiful and scenic routes with friendly and jovial supporters. Paris, Berlin and Gold Coast marathons await.

    Join me anyone ?


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