Saturday, April 29, 2017

Running - Geting the Right Start (written first in 2002) - Part 1

           It is such a simple sport, you would think that it would be easy to get started. Not so, at least 50% of all men and women who attempt to start a running program fail. Why ? The reason is simply this : Too much to accomplish too soon. As a result they injure themselves or become frustrated and defeated,  

           Why should you (or I) start running ? There are many reasons and according to Bob Glover, author of The Runner's Handbook, here are 12 of them (the first 6 are listed below) 

1. Health : Its pretty obvious ins't it ? Much research around the world has indicated that running and other forms of areobic exercise reduce the risks of heart disease and some forms of cancer. Running improves the good blood cholesterol levels , increases immunity to illness and  and helps control high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and many other health problems. For me personally, I use it as a tool to keep my weight under control. 

Most importantly those who follow a regular exercise program are more likely to change other health habits like change in sleeping patterns - early to bed and early to rise ; better health choices in terms of food. The results of the Gallup poll taken then showed :

 64% started eating healthier diets
 45% lost weight (keeping that weight down is another challenge altogether)

2. Fitness - Running strengthens your cardiorespiratory, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems giving you more energy to carry on daily tasks and leisure activities. Our galloping Gallup survey also shows 

  62% feel that they have more energy than they did before they started exercising

3. Weight Management - Runners on average burn off 60 to 80 calories per km of running.This will not only control your weight but also reduce your percentage of body fat a you build firmer, leaner muscle.

4. Longevity - It is scientifically proven that those who exercise regularly and vigorously on a regular basis will live longer. Importantly you will live a better quality of life with fewer disabilities - unless of course you get hit by a car during one of your runs. I have had almost 18 years of road running without any issue !  (I started serious running in 2000).   

My 10th marathon Dec 2015 

5. Aging - We must all age. Exercise will help slow down the aging process so that we have more quality years. I fully believe and endorse that opinion. Exercise can and will slow the loss of stamina, flexibility, bone density, metabolic rate and general enthusiasm for being active.  It is proven that rigorous exexcise releases endorphins - the bodies natural feel good morphine and many runners experience the Runners HIgh after a long run. I do, normally after 1 hour of non-stop running, which translates to about 10km. 

6. Women's Health - Exercise helps prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone density) and health problems associated with menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. There is also research - Aug 2001 in the annals of Rheumatic Disease, USA which states explicitly that for the long term, regular running does NOT increase your risk of osteoarthritis in the knees.

I should know. I have been running for 18 yeas solid. Things are still working fine in the lower limb department.  
                                               10 m to go at the 2014 marathon

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