Sunday, April 30, 2017

Running - Getting the Right Start (first written in 2002) - Part 2

 Continuing from my earlier post yesterday, the remianing 6 points for the benefits of running are :

7. Sleep - Regular exercie promotes sound sleep, leaving you feeling more refreshed to start each day. Staying up late writing articles for a running newsletter does not make you feel refreshed by the way !!  

8. Stress - The impact on our health from the many stresses of our lives is significant. We have heard of many cases of suicides, injuries, family and relationship breakdowns due to that major bugbear called STRESS. Gallup pollsters confirm that a full 67% of all runners experience stres relief and relief from anxiety. In addition, self esteem is given a definite BOOST. Regular exercise also gives me a sense of commitment and control of my body and my mind.

"You run the first 50 with your body, you run the next 50 with your mind" - Dean Karnazes 
(Ultramarathoner whose quips inspire me, when I do the long runs of 20, 30 and full marathons).

9. Psychological - Running promotes self esteem, good mental health, increased confidence,positive moods, lowered anxiety levels and minimises depression. The release of endorphins or the body's natural wonder drug to ward off mood swings and alleviate pain is another contributing factor to a runner's psychological health.

10.Financial - If you exercise regularly, like running, you spend less on your medical bills for coughs,colds, and the 'flu. In these days of ever rising medical costs, this is good news for your employer and of course, the Government. If you are managing your own business, it is then good news for you.   In Shape magazine, (2000 eidtion), for every mile you briskly walk or run, you could add 21 minutes to your life and save 50 percent in health care costs.

11. Competition - Running offers many opportunities for competition, I have decided this year to run in overseas marathons and make my touring coupled with a marathon. Why not ? Its a cool way to see the Eiffel, the Arc de Triomphe  or the Brandenburg Gate with my Asics on.

12. Fun and Friendship - This is the best part of running, I have had many more friends from running from all over the world, Alex from Slovenia, Tibor from Hungary, Bella from China, Jane from HK, Petra from Germany and Suresh from Australia all join me in one of my runs over the years. Its a great way to meet and talk about a common hobby.

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