Sunday, April 16, 2017

Oh United ; What a Massive PR Disaster !

Even Joan of Arc could not stop the hordes of angry people on social media ; especially the Asian travellers 

     By now, this world wide event whereby one poor passenger from United Flight UE 4711 from Chicago to Louisville was singled out and literally dragged out from his seat, and out of the plane has made the headlines from Kentucky (USA) to Kilimanjaroo (Tanzania) - thanks to the newest and most powerful media, the social media platform where billions of ordinary people like you and I are potentially brand ambassadors, critics and market movers for so many consumer products, services, food and travel experiences

     The worldwide technology revolution led by the smartphone in the last 20 years and its myriad of features like High Definition Camera, Digitial Camera, Voice Recorder, Internet access to games, cashless payments, movie and restaurants reviews, bookings and takeouts of food, household products, electronic goods have totally remade the way ordinary people eat, shop, and even find a potential life partner. So many paradigm shifts have occured in such a short time, max 1 generation (25 years) it is shocking for the older generation people like me (Baby Boomers - those born from 1946 till 1970), yet it is deemed so normal for the Millenials or people born in the late '90s till now. 

     Last Sunday 9th evening, United Airlines UE 4711, was scheduled to depart from Chicago to Louisville Kentucky, on time. However, as the plane was full (even overbooked), and there were 4 United employees who were  special passengers (crew or employees) needing to go to Louisville. As such, the airline employed firstly, the option of offering people to volunteer up their seats for (UA) cash rebates, the amount was $400 and then bumped up to $800.  After 3 people were "re-accomodated" by offering them free United money points, they were asked to de-plane (thank you Oscar Munoz). The 4th, a doctor from Kentucky (birthplace was Vietnam), Dr David Dao, who objected to leaving the plane. Well first, the flight attendant made very clear that 4 priority United passengers (read employees) needed to get on the plane and "the plane was not going anywhere until we have 4 people off".

     What crass. What gall. What a shambolic display of supposed customer 'service'. It harks back to the day when the economy class was called the 'cattle class' whereby hordes of bodies were transported from Point A to Point B in the cheapest way possible and wham, bam ; get off my plane ! 

     Dr Dao objected to being ejected, and then the United crew called in Chicago Airport Security ; so the situation was spiralling downhill. Unyielding customer who was aware of his rights (or so he thought) ; the airline - in its fine print of sale of tickets, has the right not to fly him to his destination apparently, based on several factors ; then again, conventional wisdom is always based on trial and error. Who (except a minority 2%) reads the fine print on anything ?          

    So after much talk, the situation became quite untenable ; the good doctor unyielding, and the airport security had to do their job ; so one staff manhandled the doctor, (he apparently hit his head on the seatreast), and dragged him out in full view of the rest of the shocked passengers. 

    I must say the bystander effect was indeed shameful ; if you see a gross indignity being inflicted on another human being, don't just stand there, do something, compassion calls for acting  when necessary even at the expense of your personal dignity and safety. It is your human right as citizens of a free country.

   Within the same day, the United CEO came out on twitter and defended his people's actions citing the passenger as being 'angry and belligerent'. He doubled down and stated that the airline did no wrong. The social media clip of the doctor being dragged out like some drunk from a bar, sent people from China or many people of Chinese origin into sending nasty and mostly negative comments on how the US treats Chinese people. 

   So now, the battle lines are being drawn up. Its sad that such a simple act of negotiation to entice a paying passenger to reschedule to another day was messed up BIG TIME by morons acting in the capacity of employees.

   United ; Your Time has Come to Face the Music. 

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