Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fewer Birthdays Left so Treasure each one

Water-colour painting gift from Mr. Chia Kwek Fah  

            Last year I had a grand surprise when my karate instructor, Mr. Chia Kwek Fah had a surprise birthday party for me after my Sunday training class in November. As it was attended by about 20 odd trainees, I was very touched and humbled that he and the other karatekas had remembered my birthday. I have been training at the Tanglin CC dojo (class_ since June 2002, or 15 years. My attendance has been pretty regular, and although age is catching up with me, I patricipate in 95 to 100% of the intensive exercise and sparring. 

            He presented me with his water-colour painting of a rose, as well as 4 first day covers of stamps from his secondary school Bukit Batok Secondary which the school had commissioned him to paint for their 150th anniversary. We had a cake, the obligatory birthday song and some drinks. I was overwhelmed and grateful to say the least. 

       Bukit Batok Secondary School First Day Cover Stamps commemorating 150 years 

           I do not want to 'fish for compliments' I am comfortable within my own skin and whatever I have done in this life is not for me to judge, if anyone is. If people appreciate me for what I have done for them, then good for them, if not, it does not matter. Some friends, business partners and even relatives I have crossed swords and do not want to meet again. Most times I never take the matter personally as those incidences are in the course of business, and my standpoint is based on a value of fairness in business practice - it has to be going both ways, so there must be a give and take.  

          I do not bully (intellectually or morally) people, it is not a trait of mine. 

          There remain few birthdays in my life, so each passing year, I must make the point to reach ever higher and never settle for anything less. 

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