Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Problem with Bankers

This is based on a TRUE STORY.

      Faisah the fisherman was dozing on his hammock between 2 coconut trees next to the beach. It was Monday afternoon at about 3.30 pm. His wife Fatimah was cooking what he had caught in the morning, some ikan kuning and some shrimp. The kids were in school and it was a warm lazy afternoon after a morning's fishing.

     Bob (banker) : " Good afternoon, Sir"
     Faisah (awoken) : "Uh ? Yeah Good afternoon"
     Bob : "I'm from HongKong Chartered Bank and I have a great plan for you !"
     Faisah (uncertain) : "Uh, OK, what you got ?"

      Bob went on to explain the benefits of Faisah upgrading his old fishing boat and with a small loan, could expand his fleet to 3 boats,hire more fishermen to catch more fish and make more money. With the money, he could get a bigger house near the city and buy the SUV to replace his old beat up Proton to ferry the wife and kids. Macham Lawa (Showy).

     Faisah : "And then what ?"

    Bob : "After we'ved evaluated your business, with a turnover of S$ 1M you could apply for     our SME or Small and Medium Enterprise Package of S$ 200K and you could put up some collateral (maybe your house or car) and then you can grow your fishing business to cover outside to International Waters. All you need is to pay back with a low nominal interest of 5%. You can afford to take the wife to Holiday in Australia with the kids, enjoy some life."

    Faisah : "Wow, so I got to work even harder to bring in then S$2 M, buy 4 ships and hire another 50 fishermen and expand to include sport fishing for tourists as well as deep sea fishing."

     Bob : "That's Right ! You will Have The Good Life !"
     Faisah : "Eh How, long you think I need to do all this before I Have the Good Life ?!"
    Bob (sneaky smile) : "Well, if you are hardworking, my calculations say 20 years. 25 
    years tops."

    Faisah : "What is The Good Life ah ?! "
    Bob ( now in full BS mode) : "Your business will be running smoothly, you just occasionally check on it. You need not work so hard and best of all, you can have a nice house by the beach and take it easy. "

   " Relax and enjoy life ".

   Faisah : I am already doing that ! I was relaxed until you came and wake me up ! 

  " Take your $$ and shove it ! " 

   Bob : ..............

   Moral : See picture above.

  Bankers rent you an umbrella during a sunny day PAYMENT WITH INTEREST. When it 
  rains, they  take it away.

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