Sunday, December 30, 2018

They have beaten and drawn with the top 6 clubs ; We will be ready 2019-2020 !

The underachiever club in the last 40 years. Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Having being promoted to the Premier League in the last 7 years, Wolves now sit in 9th spot. Their performance is very much akin to a Jeckell and Hyde character, showing flashes of brilliance when they are least fancied and then drawing or losing to the supposedly bottom 3 in the league.

Parc Guell atop Barcelona, Dec 2016. 

Wolves, you need to get your act together, move to plan B, tighten up the squad, and get Neve playing to his best. And, oh, find a couple of  hunter blue goalscorers like all the top clubs have, Hazard from Chelsea, Firminio Mane and Salah from 'Pool are some fine examples.

Its mid terms, get cracking guys !!!   

Crystal Palace 0 Wolves 1 

Friday, November 23, 2018

What Brexit will mean exactly ?

Outside Tower Bridge 2 years ago 

In about 4 months or less, we will have a UK which is outside of the EU, doing its own thing and what does that actually mean for its citizens, the many hundreds of thousands of working people inside the UK, the thousands of overseas companies who have set up operations in the UK ?

I am still trying to figure this one out. Watch this post.  

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Excellent Meal - 20th Nov 2018

                                                                   Lobster Salad 

This is the fifth time I have dined at Kan Sushi, on the second floor of International Plaza. Thanks to an app called Eatigo, I am able to afford high quality Japanese food at slightly above Club prices for a top quality meal, as there are generous discounts off the meal if you book to eat at non-peak times or off shoulder peak times (that is, 11.30 am, 1.30pm to 3.00 pm). 

Discounts vary from eatery to eatery but I must say, that to enjoy the real discounts, the discounts normally are 10 to as much as 50% off the menu price, but does not include drinks and there will be Service and GST tax on top. 

As a result, my time management has improved quite a bit, on the whole as the establishments do take the timing very seriously, and if I am 10 minutes late, will not enjoy the deep discounts.

Hence, I have to firstly be on time, so this helps me in my time management very much and secondly, I have to plan my menu and possibly manage my hunger cravings till it is lunch time. 

Today's meal consisted of the following :

a) Ebi Tempura  (Prawn)
b) Lobster Salad
c) Spider Maki
d) Miso Soup.

Helmed by several Japanese chefs, I am very delighted to be having (in my opinion) Michelin starred quality meal at down to earth prices, especially with up to 50% discounts (on food before 10% service and 7% GST tax)

Hats off to Kan Sushi and Eatigo, for making my dining experience so much more varied and enjoyable !!  

                                                           KAN SUSHI
                                                         10 Anson Road,
                                                #02 - 54 International Plaza
                                                       Singapore 079953 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Think Quick, your house is burning, what will you save in 5 minutes ?

Put yourself in the shoes of the poor beleagured residents of Paradise. If you only had 5 minutes and needed to take whatever was important to you and only you what would you bring along in that precious 5 minutes ???  

I think this will give you perspective of what really matters in your (and my) life. Think deeply,logically and perhaps sentimentally before coming up with your answers. There is no right or wrong here, no multiple choice, no Oh yes, pass Go collect $200 and go straight to heaven, or Oops, down into the depths of the fiery inferno called Hell ! 

In fact looking at Paradise, that is Hell on Earth if there ever was one.

Paradise is Burning

The Fiery Inferno 

The month of November 2018 will be known as the month Paradise, a small rural community in California, burned down. I heard and saw the news and reacted with some sadness. President Trump's removal of US from the Montreal Climate Change Pact of countries sends a very clear and present message. You mess with mother nature and well, this is what happens, it was going to happen sooner or later. How shallow and unthinking can you get ? 

Countless people have lost their entire homes, their livelihoods and their precious loved ones in the blink of an eye. The fire storm was possibly caused by an electrical cable (some electrical company is assisting in the investigations right now) but the damage done is irreversible.

Aerial View of the Fires 

    There are 2 reasons amongst the many raised for this catastrophe. 

1. The forest filled with pine trees is now very densely, some say too densely populated 
    with trees.  Management of the forest led by strict anti-logging laws is one factor. 

Once the fire starts on the ground, especially dry ground which had been experiencing drought for some time now, a little spark can easily burn the undergrowth. Once the flames get higher, and reach the lower pine cones of the trees, it changes into a deadly catalyst leading to a much bigger fire. So the closer the trees are to each other, or the denser the forest is, that is, the number of trees per square kilometre, the faster and more intense the fire is expected to be, once it starts to get out of control. 

2. Climate Change ; this is long term and we have been pollutants of the green and ever sickening Earth for some time now. We have massive plastic dumped irresponsibly into our oceans. The growing middle classes especially in China, now want to eat red meat, meaning more farmed cows for quality beef, meaning we have more farmland for rearing this top quality Wagyu and Kobe beef. Well and good, but these cows FART, so massive amounts of methane (main gas in fart) are being emitted into the atmosphere, and contribute to the dreaded Greenhouse Gases further creating a gas cloud which prevents the heat from the earth's crust from rising up and dissipating into the outer atmosphere. 

Hence the incidence of hotter and hotter temperatures on average for the last 25 years.

Of course, cows farting are not the only cause of climate change. The use of dangerous ozone depletion refrigerants (in air conditioners for example) also add to the greenhouse gases once they (the air conditioner or fridge) are not in use and scrapped. 

The hotter climate has led to massive hot / cold fronts leading to more catastrophic cyclones,hurricanes and typhoons (they are all the same just of different intensity) as a result more catastrophic damage to our coastal towns, ports and villages.

Just last month, we saw the news that Venice, St Mark's square and Doge's Palace were all flooded because of rising tides again due to global warming and polar caps melting at a rate like never previously recorded in HISTORY.   

Think about Paradise Lost ; this small community of less than 30,000 whose entire lives as they know it, gone in minutes. 

It could and will one day happen to us. Let us think hard and start doing something NOW.  

Friday, November 16, 2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I'll be Back - Florence

Last December in Florence Italy 

This city is famous for its statue of David, by Michelangelo, in the 16th century. The city centre's Il Duomo is imposing as it is magnificent. We have plans to come visit this historic city once again in a few weeks time, so I am really looking forward to that !

Monday, November 12, 2018

Fair Result Arsenal 1 Wolves 1 ; Grab the Game by the Scruff of the Neck

I did not watch this match as it was on a Sunday early morning and I had to rise early for work. The result is Nuno's dedication to perfection for every single match and yesterday's one was a classic example of how to shake off the self confidence blues and push and scrap through to the best of one's ability.

This Wolves team has the potential to be in the top 6 ; they have the skills, the defensive qualities and now with Ivan Cavaleiro in form, the attack bite. 

I was disappointed when they lost at home to Watford, they payed pathetically, and were unlucky with Tottenham.

Going forward lets face again the League with renewed optimism that this team are indeed a class apart from the the chasing pack with aspirations to win the League one day soon. 

Cool Song Nickelback - Rockstar

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Meeting with friends we left some 40 plus years ago in school.

This post is a no brainer. However, as I am slightly sleep deprived, from a night out with my Primary and Secondary schoolmates, I feel that writing this post is the best that I can do given the limited cognitive and reasoning abilities I have this morning. Meaning, I had too much to drink the night before. 

Last night, I met up with about 30 of my ex-school mates. We are all 55 or 56. The one common interest we all have is wanting to reach out, and connect, to try to relive and laugh about the best times of our lives, oh some 40 odd years ago.

That is the primary motivation which got me going to this gathering. Not about who earned or lost lots of money. Who drives the biggest, car, or has a wonderful house or has the most beautiful wife and family. Nothing of these came up during our small group chats. 

We all were back to 15 or 16 years of age. That playful boy is now a successul architect. The most rebellious guy is now a pastor. The boys hauled up for doing the most naughty things is now a successful businessman.

Me the plump and  geeky guy is now still a geeky guy but way slimmer without his Nana Mouskouri black spectacles.

The trivia and memories we bring up are priceless. Long may we have them and our friends.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Life is Precious because it is transient and fleeting

                                 Duomo Saint Marco 5 Dec 2017  (1 year 5 days ago to this day!) 

The transient nature of life, as we know it, is that time, the 4th dimension passes by. We have no way of encapsulating time, like we encapsulate the other 3 dimensions, in form and function like, say a car, or a painting or even doodles on paper. 

We can create form an function, like an art work, a sculpture, or a painting, a picture and that should stand the test of some time. Perhaps Michelangelo, whose fantastic sculpture of David (as in the chap who defeated Goliath) has withstood 5 centuries. 

Time on the other hand, cannot be stopped, or encapsulated as we know it. It moves. Along with it, all of humankind and animals and flora and fauna are caught in this dimension. Hence, when we are in this world, we tend to zone out the dimenion of time and hence, just coast along unthinkingly that this dimension is fast running away.

At Rue Cler in Paris Dec 2016 

Life is precious, and every second, every minute is a second or a minute gone. So use the time we have wisely. You never know when that time runs out. Well to a certain extent, we do know what the life expectancy of a man or a woman,dog, cat. How many of us actually hit that mark is more likely only 50%.

Just some useless musings on this Saturday morning 10th November 2018. 

Da Vinci's Last Supper at Duomo Santa Maria in Milan taken Dec 2nd 2017

Hey Jude, a valiant attempt at a classic song - 2011

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Are we facing tough times ? Yes.

                                       Alley in Chinatown, Ang Ah Tee

For all intents and purposes, Singapore looks and feels like it is 1st World. Shiny new buildings, superb airport, infrastructure, gleaming new cars, multi-cultural and a food paradise. We only have 2 seasons, hot and warm and wet (year end). 

However, the fact of the matter is, it is tougher and tougher times for many of us here, as we who are born as Singaporeans will tell you. Every few years when the elections rounds the corner, we take stock and query. Is life better now than it was 5 years ago ?

I know many people who criticise the Government in private conversations, from the highest salaried ministers in the world, to the ever rising costs of living, from the difficulty of getting our sons and daughters into University places locally against the rising tide of foreign students. From the loss of manufacturing jobs to much cheaper sources now in China and Africa to mid life balancing of having enough savings, being retired or losing one's job in the late 40s to the '50s. I have personally never seen so many balding and greying citizens working as cleaners, security guards, Uber drivers or airport screening and baggage handlers. It is not a pretty sight when our elderly have to do backbreaking work, if it is by choice, well so be it, if not, it is a tragic result of poor life choices made by the individual and his or her lot is seldom supported with handouts, due to an entrenched system based on  self sufficiency. 

The bottom line is this, if we vote for you, then we hope you will take care of our interests and livelihood during good times and bad times.That is a fair social contract isn't it ? 

The issues come fast and furious. Not least will be the health issues which will inevitably come and whether the Government has got us covered when we face these tremendous costs of aging and aging well. Yes, we have Medisave, Medishield and Medishield Plus for seniors but the element of co-payment is now a must, meaning, if you get a debilitating disease, you still need to cough up 10% of the total cost of medical treatment and hospitalization. 

To be honest, I have seen first hand the medical support infrastructure in Singapore, it is good, but the number of doctors to patients in Government clinics is very high, and the wait times runs into the numerous hours or even one full day. That is well and good if you are retired and am not working, but those having full time jobs have to set aside those days mainly to wait for appointments to see a Government specialist. 

The cost structure for the Government hospitals is also very affordable, my mother in law only paid a few dollars each visit for surgery, medication and outpatient treatment for her cataracts as well as other conditions. The main bulk is subsidised by the Government. I am grateful and appreciative of this understated fact.  

We have a decent government, but an exceptional one ? I am doubtful. Men and women of character, yes they are. However, do they really really sweat and toil for the people or at the end of the day, its really pays good money and its all about Key Performance Indices (KPIs) ??

                                           Singapore River, Lim Cheng Hoe

I believe we should have more checks and balances, frankly. Too much from 1 side will only lead to group think and views from the approved feedback groups. Leading from the bully pulpit is not the way to go. Altough there are many dictatorships in the region and further afield who have far far worse human rights records than ours - so in a nutshell, we are still a pretty well managed socio-democracy with most strata groups taken care by social services.Out MPs are there to attend to most citizen's issues.

The only debatable issue is dissent and negative views are always frowned upon even though it is written or spoken with the country's citizens first and foremost in the person's mind and heart.  

It might be messy, and the worst is when you have rampant bipartisanship from what is seen in the US ; the polarisation of the country and the taking down of many institutions which were once held in high regard is truly something many Americans must be appalled and shocked to see how low they have sunk in terms of human to human interaction.

I for one cherish our multiracialism and the fact that many day to day issues between neighbours have been painstakingly negotiated and discussed to find a common resolution.
That remarkable cohesiveness amonsgt the races has been the ruling party's greatest success over these last 50 plus years. 

Lets strive to move forward and have a collective and fair system for Singaporeans first. For too long, we have looked enviously at those who come in and leapfrog and find the good life here before us. That should never be the case. 

Picking up the fishes, Artist : Tay Kok Wee

Monday, November 5, 2018

Old Photos Mum and I

This photo was probably taken in 1963, Mum was 33 and I was 1 plus I guess ! 

I have had a very fortunate life, thus far. I am grateful for many things in this life. As I approach the years where work takes a back seat, I am reminded by a good friend Roland who advised me to treasure friendship as much as I treasure my family.

There will always be work and its problems. Money is a necessity in this society, so I will never kid myself or my readers that money is of no relevance. However, above all, health and good health is the No. 1 blessing you and I can have or say that we are incredibly lucky to be healthy and of sound mind. Nothing else comes close. 

So the important aspects in life are in order of priority as far as I can see :

1. Health (good to excellent would be wonderful) ; both mental and physical - for as long as 
    possible. Taking care of my health by eating right, eat just 70% and exercise with great 
    effort to clear the deadly toxins in my body. Taking health supplements to live well. 

2. Family, who will be there for me. In return I will be there for them. 

3. Friends whom I can count upon in times of need. Same as No.2 I will be there for them ;
    the movie Stand By Me comes to mind. 

4. Life Experiences ; This is very very important. I want to have as many meaningful 

5. Money ; enough to lead a decent purposeful life. 

6. Career or Business. To give some meaning to the times.

7. Giving Back to Society - again, this gains importance as I age. 

I write this blog to pen my life experiences, to keep a record of my life. To share with others who can be bothered to read and see for themselves that everyone walks a different path and only God judges us for our thoughts and actions at the end. 

Old Photos of Mum, Papa

Mum in her prime, at Botanic Gardens 1953 or so

These old pictures always bring a smile of joy to me. When my parents where young and full of life. This is how I would like to remember them, even though I never got to appreciate them until I was in my early tweens, by that time, Mum was probably 40 + to 50 and Papa was 50+ to 60. So this is one aspect of Mum and Papa I never got to know. 

Mum probably had an active social life first in Guangzhou, then Hong Kong and then Singapore.Our Gong Gong, P.C. Wen was a very capable man, but left Mum, Por Por and the family for another woman. It was a very sad and desperate time for them, I can only second guess.

Coming to Singapore, they must have had to eke out a very tough existence, but all the 4 sisters, Mum, Dona, Mina and Mona, all excelled in their jobs and Aunt Mina was a housewife. Mum must have met Papa in the '50s when he was a top lawyer back in the day when Singapore was fighting for independence from the British colonial Government who had lost the authority to rule after they were humiliated by the Japanese during the '42 - 45 Second World War.

How Mum met Papa was never revealed to me, but there are old photos where she was the Girl Guides representative to meet with Prince Philip at the Padang in the '50s when he came for a visit. 

Famous photo of Mum and Papa outside the Tropicana Hotel, off Scotts Road in the '60s.

Papa was a barrister and a pretty good one at that. He was working very hard first with David Marshall and subsequently in his own law firm Abisheganaden and company. So from an early time, my brother John and I were often left to our own in the evenings after they returned home from work, as Papa had an active after work social life, serving in many boards of the NUS University,YMCA, the Bible Society, St Andrew's Catherdal and the Singapore Swimming Club just to name a few. Mum was much more grounded but she accompanied him many times for the Medico Legal dinners, or the social dinner and dances held very often back in the '60s and '70s.

Mum had a full time job as the personal assistant to the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Health, the top position reporting to the Minister for Health. She served under 4 PS, Dr Eddie Ho and Dr. Kwa Soon Bee to name the 2 more prominent ones. 

Mum had many good doctors as close friends, Prof Chau Shi Ching, Prof Abu Rauff, Prof. Lee Yong Kiat, Prof Moses Yu, Yahya Cohen, Dr Teo Hoon Chow rank amongst her close buddies. They would meet af practically every gathering such as Christmas every year for the last 20 - 25 years before she passed away suddenly in 2011.  

Mum with Prince Philip outside City Hall circa 1956

The days of being a carefree son in a family with numerous friends and parties are long gone. I am now a father of 2 grown men, and managing my own small business. The roles are a lot but I am managing and upholding or trying to uphold their way shone by paths they created during those heady days of parties, merriment and camaderie.

Days of old meant lots of swimming and fun at the Swimming Club at Fort Road off Tanjung Rhu. There was no East Coast Parkway highway back then in the early to late '70s, the way to the east coast was by small roads from where we lived at Adis Road, to Selegie to Middle Road, via Nicholl Highway and then Mountbatten Road before turning off into Fort Road. Roads were not well lit at night, as I recall and Singapore was a lot darker place then. 

There must have been a Fort here maybe 100 years ago. The swimming club was the after school social network for me and John. We swam 4 to 5 days a week, with only Wednesday and perhaps one other day off. Mornings or evenings, they were a routine for us late starters and I have had done enough laps to last a lifetime.

I recall having to swim 2 miles or 3.2 km, 64 laps just to get a special badge, I can barely do 10 laps (500m) continuously now.

On Fridays, we looked forward tremendously to the Movie Night at the far end of the club. There under the night sky, we would watch open air movies with our cousins, Rick and Lorraine. I also recall having a friend called Thomas, whose father worked for the Club in a capacity as General Manager. We did some mischievious things back then which does not warrant an entry in this blog post, but those were really fun days.

On occasions, we would have Club Nights, where all the teens and preteens would dress us and go to the Harbour Grill where we would first eat and then the music, pop and disco would turn the floor into a dance floor.  

Finally, there would always be the New Year's eve at the Club, again my parents would book a table or two and we all would go and enjoy the evening's merriment and music from the local bands.

It was really the fun and carefree '70s ! 


Sunday, November 4, 2018

My 4 day business trip bag ; Travel Light and Go Fast

Samsonite, sturdy and with casters. 

This is my travel companion when I do short business trips overseas, for the last 1 year I have ditched the stored luggage for a hand carry and I have learned to 'live more with less'. Disposable underwear,small sized shaving creams, shampoo bottles, and a travel toiletries bag which can be hung on any bathroom vanity rack. The trick is I try (at least within Asia,Australia and Mid East) to keep the trip within 4 to max 5 days. 

So, the every handy cabin luggage bag, (many budget airlines only allow 7 kg max, and they DO weigh, I have been party to extra charge for over 7kg ruling) is my constant companion and I almost always bring a good book to read. I am very much into history of Asia, her countries as well as biographies.There is much to learn. Lately, I have also taken a big fancy to the classics, so on my list is Tolstoy's War and Peace as well as Odyssey by Homer.  

I have learned to use my Andriod Phone to answer urgent emails, ditched the notebook where necessary and now my target is finally to work using the Cloud whereby quotes, invoices, delivery orders, technical specs and summary proposals can be done while travelling. It takes some getting used to, but this is the age of the mobile office and those who stick to the traditional paper route (yes I know some things still need paper) will be left behind.

Casual clothes are meant to be reused, and workclothes I try to reuse my long sleeve business shirt and pants for up to 2 days in a row.Underwear is mainly disposable, the toiletries are all mini sized and my running gear is now only for the occasional trip. Swimming costume, well I never really was into swimming unless the pool is something extra ordinary with a view of the city - else I don't bring them. 

We must all try to stay relevant in this disruptive age. The geek economy does not suffer old dinosaurs gladly, so we must use all the wit and experience to attend and upgrade ourselves for the next 20 years. Our quality of life and those around us are so dependent on the familiar but everything is changing every few months.

Just 20 years ago, a flying car was considered nonsense, well we will be having that by 2020. 

Back to this post, travel light has many advantages, no need to wait for the luggage to arrive. No cumbersome push and carting of big bags just to look good - its business anyway, so I learn to reuse my suits and business wear 2 days for 1 look. So off the plane, clear customs and checking quickly and I'm good to go. 

Its so uplifting with the freedom of easy movement makes travelling light for work such a pleasure.


Friday, November 2, 2018

We are ISO 9001 2015 Certified

Thanks and we are ready 

My company, all of 15 years old, has been certified to ISO 9001 : 2015, no mean feat as we have to have lots of training and courses, traceablity of documents and meetings aplenty with the consultant and the auditors.

After about 6 months of intensive chasing and pushing of papers I am proud to say we have got the latest (2015) 9001 certification and can put this award on all our name cards going forward.

The next step for me and my company in this venture is to start making equipment of our own. Stay tuned.  

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Robbie Williams Rock DJ

31 Oct 2018 Hong Kong Park 1 - Free afternoon at the Park

Fresh back from a trip to visit some factories in Shenzhen and Dongguan, I extended 1 more day to stay in Hong Kong, and catch up with an old friend in the evening.I chanced upon this gem of a park, it is off Queensway, road, just behind the Hong Kong High Courts and at the start of the Mid Levels. Starting from my hotel along Waterfront road, it took me about 20 minutes along first Harcourt, then into Fenwick Street, Hennessy Road, and then Queensway. For a change, I did not indulge in any high end shopping and I was rewarded with a nice little free afternoon mingling amongst orchids,cacti, man made waterfalls, an aviary and even chanced upon a bridal shower taking place !     

Hong Kong is best covered by walking, and yesterday's weather was slightly overcast and a cool 23 deg C with some winds. I thoroughly enjoyed the free entry to the floral and fauna consevatory which housed plants grown in arid and semi arid deserts, tropical plants and some temperate plants. The fact that it was free in free wheeling Hong Kong made it all the more surprising to me, so the best things in life after all ARE free. 

Air, the warmth of a stranger's nod or smile acknowledging your presence, people being courteous and the helping hand of a stranger makes my day. I too, give back in return my fair share of the material and non-material presents to make the day more sane or palatable for many who have to toil much harder than me.

The waterfall cascades down 10 meters or so.

The park is on uneven ground, so there is a fair bit of climbing and walking up and down of steps. I take this as my daily 10,000 step health workout, so its all in all good for the body and the soul. I also did the 105 steps to the top of the lookout point to get some vantage view and a sliver of a view of the world famous Hong Kong harbour ("Fragrant Harbour' literally translated from Chinese Xiang Hang).

I still do have some relatives who live in Hong Kong, Aunt Betty and Grand Aunt are HK residents who migrated to Ireland but routinely come back as they have a home at the Peak.
So, the park has several highlights. 1.Clock Tower - it looks more like a Cenotaph where the war dead are remembered. 2. Tea Museum 3. Fountain and Waterfall area 4. Registry of Marriages 5. Conservatory for plants 6. Aviary (it is closed till Feb 2019) 7. Tai Chi Garden where the busts of several of the SARS heroes, the healthcare professionals who died trying to contain the horrible 2003 epidemic. 8. Lookout point - 105 steps, I counted ! 


In my next post, I will put up some pictures of the SARS 'fighters', the healthcare professionals who gave their lives on the frontlines during the SARS epidemic of 2003. It shook the world over and thankfully was contained in a matter of 6 months.

May we never make the same mistakes of the past, by eating things which are not meant to be eaten in the first place. People seldom learn and retain, as shown by history.  

8 years and 8 kgs ago 2010 Marathon

My Best Ever Running Route near my House

              This route distance is roughly 4km all in all, should be able to finish it within 25  
                                                         minutes (my speed)

This is one of my 2 FAV running routes near my house. It is roughly 5 minutes by car, and the start and end points are as shown above. I have another one just parallel to it, along the Dalvey Estate road, that route is 5 km and I must have done hundreds of laps since I first started taking running seriously.

Park the car at the opposite end of the start point, which is the entrance to Nassim Road from Evans Road. Today there is a side entrance to the Botanic Gardens, and there are several car parks beside it. I favour the one just next to the Evans Road.

I will leave my bottled isotonic drinks by the roadside (at 5.30 am now one really cares) and then start my loop. Up the slight slope with the embassy to your right, turn right at Lermit Road, run past Lermit Lodge and turn back at the junction, then at Nassim Road, turn right and run all the way to Orchard Road exit. Make a U turn and back the same route with a slight detour into Lermit road again and finally back to the start point. That is roughly 4 km.

So I will do 2 x 4 km or 1 x 4 km and 1 x 5 km with the adjoining roads next to it being the 5 km road. The reward is the views, and the fresh air, absence of any vehicle traffic (at 5.30am) and no nearby schools to clog up the carriageway. The avenue is wide (dual carriageway) and I ALWAYS run against the flow of traffic, so I can see if any motorist is coming towards me. If he is too close, I indicate for him to back away, else there should be enough time for me to jump into the monsoon drain !! 

Seize the Day.  

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pencil, Eraser, Ruler and Paper - Will be Relevant for a Long Time Yet.

In this fast paced, user friendly, mobile App dependent world. There are millions, no, billions of people surfing and using the Internet to buy, sell, post their lives, pretend to be someone else, practically living their lives on a second parallel universe called the social media. 
Think Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for English speakers, for the Chinese it is WeiBo, Wei Xin, QQ, Thai, Japenese and Korean prefer Line and the list is endless based on geographical region, ethinicity, cultural influence and even political leanings.   

I for one, am only halfway convinced that the use of digital applications are so useful for everyday life. Here are the reasons why I think the old school stationary are still and will still be relavent for a long time to come yet.

1. You can plan, erase, draw, postulate and just doodle on scraps of paper. There is NO PERMANENCE in drawing a plan, or an idea, and erasing or taking out the excess lines, thoughts and question marks just by using an eraser. True, you can use the electronic Paint software and save some trees, but the feeling of CONTROL at my fingertips is better with a pencil compared to a mouse or a stylus.

Maybe its a generation thing :) 

I was born and played with real kids from the neighbourhood, had real dogs,cats and a parrot REAL animals as pets, caught and fought our spiders, reared fighting fish, song birds, catching longkang fishes (that was a massive thrill there), digging for worms and using them as fish bait, the REAL DEAL. 

None of this imaginery stuff of Pokemon monsters, virtual cafes and Wechat zapped over and received monies. Modern day kids are so deprived nowadays 

2.  Paper, eraser and pencil do not need electricity of depend on your phone battery life. Need I say more ? 

3. The feeling of accomplishment that your picture, your work, your creative doodling, can be framed and you and only you have the satisfaction of holding, smelling the acrylic oils and canvas which the electronic paintboard does and will never have.

4. Finally, the feeling of crushing something is SO SATISFYING when you have completed it, I normally take the Sunday Sudoku out from the papers (much to my wife's irritation sometimes) and spend about 30 minutes to an hour to finish the most demanding (they call it Extreme Sudoku, the Daily Telegraph guys) and when I am done, I have GREAT JOY in crushing that small piece of newspaper implicitly saying :

" THERE, I HAVE OVERCOME ! " (small victory but nonetheless an accomplishment !) 

Again, perhaps its my nature and the fact that I was born in the generation of physical things and being in the real world, reading real paperback books and using pen, paper,pencil, eraser and all these stationery shops have to offer.

True the information and knowledge has never been easier, at the touch or swipe of our smartphones, and we have knowledge of practically anything. They say knowledge is power, well I say the use and the application of that knowledge is the REAL POWER.

Back at the local stationery shop, I must be their dream Gold Class Customer !!! 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Theory of Relativity and the Speed of Light

Lets recall a time from our elementary secondary physics class shall we ?  If you can recall the simple 3 variables relating to speed (velocity as a vector), distance and time  

                    Speed = Distance / Time       or       Speed x Time  = Distance 

Einstein theorised that an absolute number, called the speed of light, or the speed at which light travels is a finite number, 3 x 10 to the power of 8 metres per second. This speed is absolute (fixed). Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. 

Say you take a spacecraft and aim to fly to Mars. We have managed with our high technology to build a spacecraft which can fly to anywhere and can attain speed of light.

If you are in that rocket ship and as the speed of that craft increases so much that it hits the speed of light, for the same distance (observed from say the Earth), time ultimately slows down since the Distance is a constant (Euclidean geometrics).

Refer to the picture above ;  (reference : Relativity for Dummies ;  just to let you know I am not a genius !)

Therefore for someone to shine a laser beam inside the spacecraft and get it reflected from the mirror at the top of that spacecraft and caught in a laser receiver, the time taken for that to happen is t ; which is basically 2 d divided by c (speed of light or laser) ; that time taken INSIDE the spacecraft. Lets call this time t  

For an observer who sees this event from somewhere outside the spacecraft, he / she would have to take into the account the speed of that spacecraft, which is c (assuming it approaches the speed of light). So for the actual distance is 2 D which accumuates the speed x time of that spacecraft (see picture).

As can be seen from the drawing above, then the total distance travelled is 2D ; 2D divided by c (speed of light) will give you T  which in the observer's world is larger than t. 

Hence, the only summary I can conclude is that t is smaller than T, or hence the t in the spacecraft moves slower than the T in the observer's world.


You will age in Earth years but if you were inside that rocket ship, you will not feel that time has actually slowed down, it is time as it happens.

This I believe is the concept of general relativity which Einstein postulated in the early 1920s. 


Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...