Sunday, November 4, 2018

My 4 day business trip bag ; Travel Light and Go Fast

Samsonite, sturdy and with casters. 

This is my travel companion when I do short business trips overseas, for the last 1 year I have ditched the stored luggage for a hand carry and I have learned to 'live more with less'. Disposable underwear,small sized shaving creams, shampoo bottles, and a travel toiletries bag which can be hung on any bathroom vanity rack. The trick is I try (at least within Asia,Australia and Mid East) to keep the trip within 4 to max 5 days. 

So, the every handy cabin luggage bag, (many budget airlines only allow 7 kg max, and they DO weigh, I have been party to extra charge for over 7kg ruling) is my constant companion and I almost always bring a good book to read. I am very much into history of Asia, her countries as well as biographies.There is much to learn. Lately, I have also taken a big fancy to the classics, so on my list is Tolstoy's War and Peace as well as Odyssey by Homer.  

I have learned to use my Andriod Phone to answer urgent emails, ditched the notebook where necessary and now my target is finally to work using the Cloud whereby quotes, invoices, delivery orders, technical specs and summary proposals can be done while travelling. It takes some getting used to, but this is the age of the mobile office and those who stick to the traditional paper route (yes I know some things still need paper) will be left behind.

Casual clothes are meant to be reused, and workclothes I try to reuse my long sleeve business shirt and pants for up to 2 days in a row.Underwear is mainly disposable, the toiletries are all mini sized and my running gear is now only for the occasional trip. Swimming costume, well I never really was into swimming unless the pool is something extra ordinary with a view of the city - else I don't bring them. 

We must all try to stay relevant in this disruptive age. The geek economy does not suffer old dinosaurs gladly, so we must use all the wit and experience to attend and upgrade ourselves for the next 20 years. Our quality of life and those around us are so dependent on the familiar but everything is changing every few months.

Just 20 years ago, a flying car was considered nonsense, well we will be having that by 2020. 

Back to this post, travel light has many advantages, no need to wait for the luggage to arrive. No cumbersome push and carting of big bags just to look good - its business anyway, so I learn to reuse my suits and business wear 2 days for 1 look. So off the plane, clear customs and checking quickly and I'm good to go. 

Its so uplifting with the freedom of easy movement makes travelling light for work such a pleasure.


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