Sunday, June 24, 2018

Niccolo Machiavelli - the Prince

This is a very insightful book for anyone who has an interest in how people in positions of power get there and more importantly, stay there. One of the key takeaways of this book is that the prince will need to be 2 faced ; for he has to govern according to many different circumstances under his rule. Many times he has to be strong like the Lion and Fight when necessary, sometimes he has to make a Great Escape and oftentimes he has to play the Victim ; to be one and neglect the other 2 could be disastrous.  

Now not many people can be both as strong willed and unyielding as a Lion, nor can a Lion turn into a Fox who is always on the lookout for some opportunity to come in unannounced and take the prize hens or geese. 

However, the prince needs to be both ; my view is that for a company, sometimes the Prince can only do 1 version of the persona well, such as the Lion and leave the Fox to his trusted henchman or henchwoman and vice versa. So in my playbook, I should establish a Tag Team of players who alternate between Fight, Flight, Seize Opportunities or even Do nothing. 

Such is today's dealings in the very disruptive  world where no technology and application is safe from imitators, bigger and more savvy competitors as well as identity thieves. 

Fortune favours the brave ; well think and analyse each step then go against the playbook. 


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