Sunday, October 27, 2019

AI is already in our Car Computer System

The E230 2014 Version 

The convergence of Artificial Intelligence together with Biometrics will mean that our movements will be tracked by our handphones, our credit cards, our notebooks, and our vehicles. Facial Recognition software and the cashless society is now being employed in numerous cities all over People's Republic of China. 

Welcome to the brave new world in 2020.

The feature of Park Assist in the Mercedes Benz E Class is already in use, whereby the driver needs only to drive close to the parking lot, and the proximity sensors will detect the area available, do a quick algorithmic calculation and then take control of the driving so that the car is parked perfectly in the lot in either a reverse or parallel parking orientation.

There is also another Predictive Driving software which in my car's 2014 system can gauge the distance from the nearby car, and warn the driver that at the speed he is going, there is a greater chance of a collision or fender bender and hence an audio and visual will pop up to the driver's field of view.

Now in 2019 , 5 years on, there is surely the predictive software coupled with proximity sensors and with an algorithm that if I am travelling too fast and too close to the driver in front of me, the Cruise Control will take over the steering and the braking system so as not to collide with the vehicle in front. 

With the development of 5G, all new cars will be on the same network and can communicate with each other, and extrapolating this a bit further, the car and the entire traffic system can be 'in sync' so as to provide the most efficient a) route to the destination and b) route with least number of traffic disruptions in terms of traffic lights, vehicles doing road works and minor / major accidents.

Yuval Noah Harari pointed out so elegantly in his book 21 Lessons for the 21st Century that nowadays more people are being killed by traffic accidents worldwide than there are being killed by war and terrorism.

Surely the implementation of 5G is for the 'greater good' of saving lives ?   

The personal privacy issue will always be looming in the big picture of Government running our lives but there must be a system of checks and balances so that the legitimate and altruistic use of AI together with biometrics will be in the hands of the 'responsible' and benovalent people with compassion.

Else it will be chaos. 

Technology is neutral. It is the powers that be that owe a debt of responsibility to the proper dispensing and utilisation of the technology be it cloud storage, data analytics and cybersecurity to harness for the 'greater good' of uplifting people's standard of living in the coming years.

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