Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sorry Just doesn't cut it. The divisions of 'class' is again being brought up on social media

I am taking a selfie and the bird gives me the bird. Crap !

The recent apology by the Whampoa condominium resident to the security officer has struck a raw nerve amongst many Singaporeans.He has struck a chord about the (perceived) differences about the difference in living in public and private housing estates. 

What I am writing reflects many Singaporeans' feelings about the issue. I think "sorry" just doesnt' cut it.This guy is beyond stupid. A moron of the highest order. 

He has in this few short minutes of a viral video, highlighted and made it painfully aware with his insensitive words and actions about "this is not HDB" and with the unspoken inferences which the ruling Government had tried so hard to do in the last few decades. 
Try to reduce the inequality of living in public housing, which in my opinion (especially for the new HDB flats), like BTO and the like are of very high quality. 

Maintenance by the housing Residents Committees are also of very high standard of responsiveness and upkeep. 

Living in HDB is as good as if not better (in some instances) than private housing. Let me name a few from my viewpoint where HDB is 'better' and I mean it sincerely.  

1. Good connectivity to public transport, and MRT lines. Most HDB housing estates are within a few minutes walk from either the feeder bus or from the main MRT or LRT lines. 

     Compare that with Balestier where this loser lives, he has the temerity and stupidity to  infer that condominium is 'better'. The nearest MRT is either at Novena or Race Course and you would Mr. Private Resident with the supersized ego and half witten brain probably need to walk 20 minutes to the MRT.Of course there is Grab and your car. 

    Man, he needs to take a big dose of humility and rub it in his face. Work for a month as a security guard and find out how some (a small minority(  of these pig headed residents treat them. 

    Walk in the Security Uncle's shoes for a month. You will realise how privileged you are (or not) 

2. Access to most amenities like polyclinics, food centres, playgrounds, and parks are just 'downstairs'. This is one big plus for elderly folk with mobility issues 

3. Public Swimming pools are nearby and only cost $1 ; no need to pay condo maintenance fees easily in excess of $500 and above per unit.

4. Gyms are at the town centres and again at very low costs.

    Several things which private estates have  which may be deemed as 'better' than HDB they are deemed 'private' are :

1. Security guards

2. Lap or feature pools

3. Gyms with state of the art equipment

4. Covered car parks (most new ones have those)

5. Ratio of units access by lifts are smaller compared with HDB, generally speaking.

Hence, by his inference that 'this is not HDB' he is inferring in your face, that he is of a higher standing than most other people. And the presumption that $1.5 Million he paid is a lot of money.

Sorry, you moron. 


Why oh why is the G allowing the free flow of people into our country without the proper economics means testing and  allowing these people to undermine the social fabric of our society.

There is also the inference that the ordinary citizens are losing out to these highly paid 'experts' who come and behave poorly, give a very negative impression of their entire country as a whole and leave a bad taste in the mouth.

Something must be done to address this. Else there will be a price to pay. 

I am truly disappointed. 

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