Saturday, October 5, 2019

Raison D'ete : The Purpose of Life

I had earlier touched on Raison D'ete or the Purpose of Life. Well, in broad terms, each and every person needs to find his purpose in life. We are all put here (by God) for those who believe in Him, to serve a purpose. 

It can't be for purely selfish reasons such as pleasure, or to create evil. Having lived through over 50 years I believe I have found my Raison D'ete. However, it is very personal and private, hence I cannot elaborate further.

Beautiful Antibes (Cote d'Azur) in December 2018. 

The Cote Azur between Nice and Monaco 

However, the process of it, can be found in the game changing book called Ikigai by neuroscientist, Ken Moji who ascribes to the Japanese way of "being in the here and now"

The 5 steps are :

1. Start Small
2. Negate yourself out from your life's work (Ego is bad)
3. Maintain harmony and balance with Nature
4. Take Pride in Small Things
5. Be in the Here and Now.

Once you have started on this road, continue to encourage your family and those around you to do likewise and see the personal growth in yourself.

Then I believe along the way, you will discover your Ikigai or Raison D'ete. It is never too late.

Enjoying the cold weather in Burano. a small island off Venice 

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