Saturday, January 25, 2020

Ken Shin Kai Karate Club Membership Drive 2020

Ward off High Kicks, Foot Strike and Punches with Ease  

Ken Shin Kai Karate Club has been in existence as a society for over 20 years now. Helmed by Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah, 8th Dan Shitoryu (IKSU) exponent, he has been active first as a participant, both kumite (free sparring) and kata (pattern performance) since the 1960's. He has therefore been active in Karate both as a participant and as a coach for over 60 years !

A fitness consultant both in the schools and also for personal training, he holds a degree in Sports Science (Edith Cowan) as well as multiple certificates from Sport SG for the coaching and first aid of martial arts.

Join our Growing Class of Graduands 

The next coach is Sensei Chua Boon Teck Jason. Jason holds a 3rd Dan (Karate Union of Singapore) and has been active in Karate for almost 40 years since his teenage days.  He is 57 and a very fit guy. A regional service manager, his hobbies include running and fishing.

Jason is coaching the class every Sunday  

Classes / Details  are :  

Every Sunday

Location : Tanglin Community Center (Club)
247 Whitley Road
Singapore 297829
Time : 6.00 - 7.30 pm
Tel : 6251 3922

Fees : (only) $ 65 for 12 lessons (3 months)  ; very cheap compared to Taekwondo, and Muay Thai. 

Age Group : 5 years to 80 years of age.

Grading (Test) : Every 3 /4 months ; 

A Certificate of Accomplishment will be given for successful applicants. 

Can be used for CCA points in School 

Estimated Time to get Black Belt (some degree of competency) : 3 - 4 years. 

Come and Join Us !  For Fitness, Self Awareness and Self Defence !

                             Mark Abisheganaden (me) also helps out in the coaching 

Sensei Ricky Ng, Jason Chua, Leck Chai Chuah and Me.

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