Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Mum and Papa taught me to stand up against tough times

Mum and Papa circa 1984 outside Ming Jiang restaurant 

My Mum Anna (1930 - 2011) and my father Geoffrey (1919 - 2010) were exceptional people. They lived through turbulent times of the 2nd World War and were happily married for 50 years or so till their passing. Life was very hard under the Japanese occupation, my father had an older brother Gerard, who was taken captive by the Japanese and never seen alive again. My Mum endured alot of hardship first in Guangzhou when my Gong Gong left the family and my Por Por (maternal grandmother) had to come to Malaysia to eke out a living amongst the overseas migrants.

They struggled for basic necessities during the war, just to eat rice was a treat. My mother had this knack of charming the Japanese into giving her enough rice for her 3 sisters and younger brother and my Mum was the champion EQ (emotional quotient) person, so she always managed to 'sweet talk' the Japanese soldiers into giving her more than her fair share of rice, while the big strapping whom she went with most often of times, got nothing !

Life was tough then and my father (I believe) was an interpreter between the Japanese and the local people, as he had picked up the language quickly during the tough war times. 

I always am proud to be their elder son, and by being so, I must be resilient, and stand my ground especially when the situation demands it.

I must strive to be better and work towards a happy work life balance. Retirement is at the moment not an option, although I must say I am blessed in health and am getting by in business. I had a torrid time about 5 years ago, and the JV company for testing business is wound up and we are applying to strike it off. The lessons learnt must never be repeated.

Everyone deserves a little kindness and fairness in life. Though that is not very often the case (a few people are very fortunate while the rest of us have to plug through a whole list of very trying times) we need to just grin and bear with the situation and manage it with the heart of a survivor.

Up and On. Never Give Up. Change Tack when Situation Demands It ! 

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