Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Possessing and Using Chauffer Knowledge is a Liability

I have been reading 1 chapter to 5 chapters  daily of this wonderful book by Rolf Dobelli

" The art of thinking clearly"

and trying to understand fully what these concepts mean and how to apply them in my never ending quest to first seek to understand a core concept or value, to be fully cognizant of the advantages, disadvantages and finally implementing it or discarding it in the scrapheap of my mind.

This idea of Chauffer Knowledge as written so beautifully by the psychologist Dr. Dobelli was first presented by Mr. Charlie Munger, who is Mr. Warren Buffett's (Berthshire Hathaway chairman and founder) partner.

Chauffer Knowledge is superficial knowledge which is picked up vicariously through many hours of chauffering an expert who has studied, researched and conducted experiments to validate theories (scientific for example).  

Mr. Munger told of this beautiful story of Max Planck, the famous German physicist who is credited with quantum mechanics theories and while he was alive, he was a popular and much sought after speaker in many Universities all over Europe and the world.

During those days pre-smart phone and the social media (early 20th century), Dr. Planck had a chauffer who brought him to all his talks and listened intently to Dr. Planck's lectures while understanding superficially the concept of quantum mechanics did not have the full 'domain knowledge' to BE Dr. Planck or even his student.

One day, the chauffer was feeling naughty and asked Dr. Planck, "sir, I have been driving you to all your lectures and talks and I know enough, much more than anyone else I know, so here is a little challenge for you. "

"Tomorrow you have this lecture at XYZ University, why not I take your place and present the talk, you can take a rest. And if I succeed in fooling everybody, you can buy me a nice dinner !" Dr. Planck laughed and agreed, as he wanted to see how this would end 

The next day, true to his word, at XYZ University, "Dr Planck" stepped up the podium and made a 1 hour lecture to his starry eyed attendees. Nobody could guess that this was his chauffer !  However, one Professor of physics was not too impressed and stood up to challenge "Dr Planck's" quantum mechanics hypothesis. So his years of study and research he put "Dr Planck" to the test or under the microscope !

"Dr Planck" stood transfixed as the Prof asked his question, and obviously he was at a loss for words... however he recovered his composure and confidently said :

"Now, my theories are so well researched and understood and I am surprised that you would ask such a question, even my "chauffer" who is sitting in the front row understands it.
I will give him the opportunity to answer you !!! "

My point is this, Chauffer Knowledge is indeed knowledge picked up superficially and vicariously. If you think your chauffer knowledge is able to get you through life's test or tribulations you are indeed wrong !

Make every effort to understand what you are intending to achieve, then go and painstakingly make representative models and discuss theories with all who are knowledgeable in it. 

Then you will attain some domain knowledge and with that some expertise.

There are lots of 'armchair' skiers, swimmers and marathon runners doling advice.

They will be the first to fail when their advice is put to the test in the actual swimming meet, ski run and marathon.

Do the time and you will be fine. 



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