Sunday, July 12, 2020

11th July My East Coast Plan

Day 21 or 11th July of PTSD Challenge 

I accepted 21 days (3 weeks) ago the 25 pushups over 25 days to raise awareness for the neurological disorder called PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Symptoms include the following :

a) Insomnia
b) Mood Swings
c) Anxiety attacks
d) Flashbacks
e) Depression (can lead to suicide if not checked)

So, yesterday, Saturday 11th 2020, I headed down to East Coast Parkway to carry out my 2 pronged East Coast Plan :

a) Do the pushups and post them on Facebook (as per the challenge)
b) Run 10 K

I completed both in a combined time of 1 hour 30 minutes or so and I am glad to do my part to raise the awareness of this very serious affliction where the age groups do not matter.

What is Trauma ?

Its something which causes you to lose your 'mojo'. Your ability to think rationally and logically. It is normally a very stress inducing event such as :

a) Losing one's spouse, sibling, parents or child(ren)
b) Experiencing War and its horrors  
c) Held captive or exploited
d) Loss of a job
e) An accident severe enough to shake one's beliefs
f) Loss of a limb or a body function.

Seek help or if your close ones know you are suffering, they can call the following :

1. SOS Singapore ;               Tel 1800 221 4444
2. Institute of Mental Health : Tel;  6389 2000

I consider myself to be a very blessed man. So it is time to return the blessings and be a force for good to others, in my own limited capacity.



Jacob John said...

My Dear Mark,

My Name is Jacob John, I use to live at 16 Adis Road and had come to your home and play TT with you and Jonney. I now live in the United State now and I was wondering if you know where all the people went from adis road.

Many Thanks

Seize the Day said...

Hi Jacob !

What a nice surprise ! Of course I remember you ! Please send me an email to
Liang Puck, Poh San,"S", "R" and all the gang. Lets talk more on that email. I will give you my handphone no. there and we can communicate more.

So good for you to reach out to me. Look forward to your email.


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