Saturday, July 18, 2020

My Next Race will be in 2021

My trim and fit picture in Dec 2010 

This year has been a really traumatic and very distressing year for everyone. SARs COV - 2 is in full swing all over the world, there are currently 14 million cases and 400,000 deaths, there are massive floods in China, the the 2 superpowers are facing off on many fronts. 

Singapore is facing an unprecendented -12.4 % negative contraction (2Q) from the previous  1Q GDP numbers and everywhere people are tightening their belts and travel between countries have dropped to 10% at best. Closures of restaurants, high end and mom and pop stores, travel, hotels, ticketing, airlines, tourist packages, everything is down almost to 0 this last 4 months.

So I brought up a little distraction for myself. A goal if you like. My last race was in June 2018 where I ran the SAFRA 2018 21km with several friends Ricky Ng and Timothy Lee. My time was a not too shambolic 2 hours 34 minutes .This year is a washout in terms of any sporting or entertainment activities (no Olympics, no football with fans, lots of cancellations of major sporting events from NBA to Wimbledon and to F1 races). 

So next year is my goal, at 58 years young, I want to register below 2 hours 15 minutes time fo a 21 km. 

Back of the Bib 

Front of the Bib of my last race 

So here is my  2 big hairy audacious goal for 2021.

a) Run the 21 km in 2 hour 15 minutes and below

b) Run one European marathon ! 

I can still dream and plan can't I ?  

The next step is to execute the plan. That is the HARD PART. 

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