Wednesday, July 22, 2020

2007 Nearing the Finish Line - The Good Old Days of Running sub 5 Hour Marathons.

2007 was the year of my 4th full marathon ; I had run my first in Penang Malaysia in 2003, and I had taken up this sport with full enthusiasm and gusto. I was a very enthusiastic runner, and subscribed to Runners World for a number of years to achieve the motivation of running. Runners World had plenty of articles to guide newbie runners like myself to eating correctly, gait analysis, shoe selection, training schedules and lead times, motivational quotes, tips from the pros and seasoned runners, best runs on this planet and so on and so forth.

I can say I am one of those crazy ones who gave up golf (at the tender age of 38) to take up running, when many people would take the opposite route ! They would run till about their mid 30s and then take up golf which is much more leisurely and a social game. I think I am a social person but up to a certain extent. 

By the time 2005 came, I was running easily 10 K most mornings with the exception of Sunday and 1 other weekday. I managed to stretch the runs to 14K on Saturdays and in the leadup to the marathons, say 1 month before the race, I would be running easily 20 K to 32 K on the Saturday morning, and this would be my tune up to the actual marathon. So, setting the alarm clock at say 5am to rise and aim to hit the road by 5.30 am was a very common routine for me.

In addition, for the longer runs, I would stash my Gatorades at certain places along my route and so on and so forth. I would be out each morning for 1 and a half hours before coming back to the house and then proceeding to wash up and get ready to leave for work by 8.45 to 9 am. 

Running to me is the essence of life. I believe my passion to run stems from genetics. My father was Indian Tamil, so that side of me somehow made me so fond of running. I am by no means a fast sprinter or even a middle distance guy, but come 5 K and beyond, I would say I could beat most recreational runners and can easily (in my prime) do 5 min per km for 5K to 10K distances. 

                                                  2 Dec 2007 Marathon Video 

During my pre-teen and teen years, I recall running from the bus stop at Victoria street some 1-2 km away and I would attempt to beat the lights and run non-stop from the bus stop through the old shop houses along Middle Road, up towards Sophia Road and then to Adis Road.

Somehow during the teen years, my Mum brought us to swim at the swimming club and hence my running was overlooked due to much more emphasis given to swimming as an extra-curricular activity in school and junior college. 

Don't ask me why, but I was and am still an avid runner. Of course, now 13 years older and perhaps 5 kg heavier, I do not run as much. Time has made me a young old man. So I still do the odd 10 K and 5Ks are perhaps done once or twice a week. Speed is no longer there, so I am happy to run at a pace below 7 min / km.   

Running buddies, I've had guys and the odd lady who accompanied me on my runs. My current running khaki (partner) is a Portuguese pal based in Singapore for a number of years. 

The day I stop running because of injury, or old age, I better think of another hobby as fulfilling as this one to keep me wanting to wake up in the morning with a smile and jump out of bed.  

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